♥ Linlin-memories
Don't want to lend, then just say so. -_-Ytd, slacked at home till 5+ I think? Then baby came & find me :D
Studied chinese, Then I gave him an exclusive watch! LOL. Branded de ley ---- Daze Brand!
This watch is
priceless & it's
one of a kind. No one will ever have the same watch as him. HAHAHA. See see!!

Very "chio" hor? LOL :x . But stupid him, dono how to appreciate my gift...
He go rub off after that. -_-
Lol! Afterthat we went t see cat! V cute the cat, sit there then baby step infront of her suddenly and say "Hello meow meow!" (I think,)
Then the cat like fan ying chi dun, she turn around and "Mew!" . Very funny. Hahahas. Aft that spent some time w the cat, she will follow us arnd one lorh. LOL!
Okay, aft that he send me home. Talk on fone, all that. Haahaha.
Then, I talk w sisters. Very scary. Talk about ghosts all that. X.X , my school one. Then, others. Then fell asleep.
I dream of something weird & scary(?) . I got dream of cat, people I know all that, then I was talking to one of the girl. I say something like "cannot see planet de lah"! Or what. I can't rmb, but is about the sky there one. Then I look at the sky. Then!! V scary, the sky like got one hole. Then I can see one "planet" . Very bright, but not glaring. Then I saw some devils flying around it. Then I v scared, I ask my fren what's that. Then she look. This time, I confirmed my suspicions. It was... Satan's planet. And suddenly, got 2 devils fly to Earth through the hole & came towards me. Wlao. They wan take me away.. To dono whr. Then we decided to have a competition. If the devils lose, they cannot take me away. I can't really rmb all my dream, but I also rmb the competition consisted of badminton... Ya. LOL! I know my dream v interesting today, but sadly I can't recall properly. }:
Anyway, I gotta go revise some chinese now.
Hope whatever I studied will come out }: *prays*
&&, Lunch @ hotel ltr w sister&her boyf! Excited. Laughs.
Ltr meet baby too :D woowoo!
Life is like a Rollercoaster ride.Hello everyone! :D
Baby helped me download Rollercoaster tycoon & psp game. :D Wo hen kai xin. Xiexie ni.
Today, woke up v early, hah. Cos got
someone wanna see me. Ahem.
Okay. That
someone is of cos my baby luh! Heheheh. Slacked arnd, then he sent me go sch.
Yupyup. :D
Schooled, Chinese O lvl briefing, blah }:
Go through Chinese answers all that. Damn cold inside!
Then get back report books....
Someone owes me 2 Icecream! :D
Though I improved slightly, but it's still not what I want yet.
Though Chinese O's are just 3 days away, but I'm not prepared yet. }:
Nevermind! I will still try my best~
Jiayou everyone :D
P.S . Changed Blog songs :D
I wanna change blogskin too! But can't find any chiochio ones D:
Schooled as per normal. I think the school has really gone overboard regarding the intensive chinese thing. -_- . Making us write the impt points for like 15-16 zuowen/letter writing? -_-!
It's really too much, which made my brain hit the saturation point & I just feel so sick of chinese right now. Just trying to start makes me feel moodless & I'll start to feel sleepy.
I really don't feel like going to school tml. It's totally a waste of time. (Other than going through the Chinese answers,) but assembly, recess & tidying up the whole place takes majority of the time, which I'd rather use to replenish my beauty sleep or study for Chinese right? -_-"
&& anyway, from today onwards, I have a new acadamic goal! (:
I wanna score distinction for my Science.
Will work hard to gao hao my Chemistry de. :D :D
I'm happy.
Hello everyone :)
Today, Schooled as usual. Had did cheena paper 2. Blah.
Had motivational talk, then homed.
Seriously, school's somewhat like a waste of time now. Because no one listens to the teachers when they explain the chinese paper. & Even if there's some souls listening, the teachers are just too.... -_- They think we're typewriters? Flash the answer awhile, then scroll away. -_-" In the end, always copy dao the first part of the answers nia.
Jaslyn passed me her thumbdrive w Rollercoaster tycoon 2. But I just can't start ittttttt! So pissifying. Go online try dl, also got error one. I very sad. I miss the game alot. I love the game. Been yrs since I last played it. T_T . Nevermind. Must think positive.
"I won't be distracted by that addictive game & study for Chinese!!! D': "
On the random note,
I'm really really, Gonna slim down this time.
By hook or by crook.
5kg at least. (:
I'll start by.... Changing my lunch to a fruity lunch~ No more fats & carbohydrates for me during lunch time(Only the minimal) .
After chinese O levels, Hell yes, I'm gonna start exercising to burn those fucking calories. Be it swimming, tennis, badminton, or whatsoever, I'm damn bent on losing weight.
U know? Seeing my pri sch pictures really make me so zi bei. Cos compare&contrast now & last time de pictures, can see I really put on weight. My face used to be so "chubbiless" T_T
But one thing about exercising. ): . I don't wanna have muscles. So ugly.
T_T . But muscles is better than fats right... ?
): !
What to do?
Here are the pictures. Ah. So tiring.
Seriously alot of pictures -.- . & , because I'm inexperienced, U've to start seeing from the bottom, if you wanna it to be in chronological order (:
Me in my younger times. & Bottom 2, I was trying to refresh my childhood. }: But to no avail.
Maybe this resembles a lil (:
Smell our legs! :D

Fking jiaobin.
Because M closed her eyes, we decided to do the same. LOL. (Bottom)
Fucking retarded. :/
UNGLAM. -.- I was trying to do the shopoholic that girl de mouth -.- & *Snapped!
See What see!
Ah, oily face.
Anyw. That's the end to it~
Today, schooled as usual.
Chinese whole day, bored. }:
And.... :/
Resting period.
But I won't be like them.
If I say I wanna a sweet&caring bf...?
Can you be one?
You don't understand me enough.
You have not a single clue of what I want.
And what I need.
It's for me to know & for you to find out.
A cooling period would benefit both of us, I guess.
& I really don't know what this relationship means to u .
I don't really feel that you're feeling what you claim you are feeling.
Instead, you're out.
Like normal.
I really wonder ; that there's no lesson learnt?