♥ Linlin-memories
Day dreaming
Schooled today. Was rather slack today.
I hate Mrs xxxxxxx. I seriously hate her ttm!!!
Mofo one ley she. Never in my life did I see such an unreasonable and irritating teacher before lorh.
Until her. -_-
Ask us to think of a possible qns while she go and take tings, then hor. I alr writing the qns down. G n me tot for a while because we dun wanna write down those typical qns that teachers & students will ask what. Then writing halfway, she came in. Knn. Made majority of the class who haven't write finish to stand up w/o listening to our explaination? Knn _l_ . She came back so fast lorh. -_- Good qns of cos nid time to think what. Then she so fucking -'-! Cb in the face. -_-
Seriously hate her to the max!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Okay. Sorry for the vulgurities. Yea... School's a bore. Everyday, I wake up just to drag myself to school. -_- . Once I wake up, I will always feel like ponning for that day. Seriously. No point going to school when they ain't teaching much. Ya. & I'm gonna get myself a hairband. Mrs P says I'm starting to look more and more tired & pale. Lmao. & She thinks it's due to my fringe >_>! Ytd, Char also say I look pale. ): . Maybe I have swine flu? LOL! Jk.
Anyways, E brought pipi to the vet today. He had his vaccination done, checkups all done. Yeah ^_^. Tml, I think I'm gonna go down to the AVA to apply his license.... :/. Expensive dog. Lucky I have 3 sisters to share the burden of the money :x.
Ytd, before I go slp, I was listening to music. Then I heard Jimmy's song. ): All my feelings towards him came back manzx. Lmao! I miss the show "My Lucky Star." Seriously, this show is damn nice. I think 1st in my heart? :x ! So, after O's, I'm gonna rewatch the show. Hehehehes.
If i can have....
Nickhun!As my future boyfriend & husband, I will be damn happy luhs. Okay lah. I think I will prefer the latter. Bcos Jimmy is older than me by alot. :x LOL! But nevertheless, if I can have 1 of them uh, I super happy one luh ^-^. Oh!! I realize. They both have smiling eyes. LOL! I'm attracted to boys with smiling eyes. My future boyf must have smiling eyes, musical talent, and must be able to cook! :D And and and, must be super sweet&caring, ................ & the list goes on :x Lmao! Okay. Back to topic.
I think they super look alike luh. Nickhun is gonna be the 2nd generation of Jimmy. LOL =x. Ahhhhh ): I fa hua chi. Lmao!
Okay lah. Enough of day dreaming. :x I go do things liao. Byebye :x
P.S. My blogger always got this problem. I made my post into paragraphs, but end up all stick together ! ):
Hello! Today I'm gonna fail my objectives ): !!! Wasn't productive in my studies. Now, my mom dun wanna me skip my dinner bcos she sae I ltr lack too much of my staple food. ): Ltr I die. LOL. So ya... I cooked dinner today! :D Because I damn miss cooking?! Wahahahas. & Yea... Gonna eat it too ): . Anyway... Today, I schooooled. Didn't feel like going school. Butthen if pon, then like very obvious. So, just went lorh. Then hor, I ate laksa leh. Fattening.
Now, I'm gonna check all the kilocalories that I'm gonna take. My goal :
Less than 2000 kcals a day ^_^. && I'm so gonna get....

Hahahaha! (Not the one in the pict lah). Told YJ help me look for it liao. Thankyou :)
Then I everyday gonna plug it in, and
DANCE! :D Then I can
burn all my fatsssss away! :D Woo hoo hoohooo. I damn happy. Okay. =x
Ya. Anyway, stayed back awhile to study. But as far as I know...., it wasn't productive at all! End up: Talk cock, music, videos & pictures -_- Stupid lei. I must be crazy.

Nic, dun dig ur nose ley. Lmao.

Okay people. I better go eat, bathe and study liao! ): So late alrdy!!! ): ):
Resist temptations.
Back from school. My right hand feels weak. ): . The words I write today all turn up quite scribblish, so ugly lah ): ):! Came home & bathed happy w Eileen. That doggie uh. Keep growling in the toilet! Make us so scared to bathe him like really properly. So we tried our best & ya. Normally last time my maid & me would take like 2 hours to bathe+dry him. Today, not even 1 hour jiu done liao. Lol, But it's also partly becos he's botak now lah ^^!
I'm like happy with myself? Lol! Becos ytd, I....

I didn't eat much(In my opinion). My last meal ytd was at like 4-5pm . :x So ytd, I only ate 2 mantou(breakfast), 2bread&cereal for "lunch". Hehehe :x. Then, at night, like 7+8+, my mouth damn itchy. I really felt like eating something ): . Even though I wasn't hungry. Just had the urge to taste something! Stupid me. LOL! But in the end, I still

:x. If I cont like that, I think I can really successfully shed some fats!!! Lmaos.
Yayaya. Anyways, I shall put an abrupt stop to this blog post now. :X
Byebye! :D
This significance of a snowman is so nice.
Snowman. White. Pure. :)
We are snowmans. But what kind of snowman are you?
1)Purely made up of snow?
2)Made of black dirt & covered with white snow?
This one very nice lei, when teacher go thru. Very meaningful. Don't be like the 2nd one okay! (Means that even though u look pure in the surface, you're actually made up of shit man. Lies, all the sins all that. ): . Cannot okay! Lmao.)
Anyway, my this blogger posting part like got problem -_-! Nevermind.
Must mug liaos. Byebye ^^.
(&I'm skipping dinner. Weets :x)
Giennyv key! GO STUDY OKAY.
Racial Harmony Day 09
Racial Harmony Day's pictures, finally here :x . Thanks Pene for uploading it at FB. Hahas.
Anyway, I'm damn lazy to organize the pictures in chronological order. So ya. All jumbled up aye? :) Ohyea, & there's unglam ones too. :o!

Lmao. I like the left pict. Bcos I look like I'm up to no good :x

So you think you can jump?
Come'on. You jump like a noob. Watch this!
Dancer in SYF performance. LMAO.

Okay -_- I damn crappy. I know got ppl see le sure laugh. But heck. :x Wahahahas.
Nic's face = constipated!