Headache ah
Hello peopleeeeeeeeee.
I'm currently having a headache )': .
I wanna bathe , then sleep. BUT I very lazy to bathe now TT !
Still must remove make up. V mafan! Fan si leeeeeeeeeeee.
I'm starting to get sick of poly -_- .
2nd day only and I start to feel the work piling....
Projects... Stuff. I don't like leh. Shit man. 3Years to endure. Sigh.
1st lecture today ;; Nothing really went in my mind. I was dying of hunger.
After that, grabbed a bite. KFC <3 .
Then went home aft that w Pris :D
Happy that there's at least a friend that I can spazz to. Wahahhahaha :D
Okay. Im playing w msn's dynamic dp now. V fun leh! HAHAHHA.
Okok. I guess I should slp soon. Damn tired. -.-

I love minhwan ok.

Just a quick post bfore I head off for work! :D
Woke up early early ytd fr flag day.
Well, Not so early HAHAHA. Supp to wake @ 6am but I only woke up @ 6.48 likethat D:
So no choice. I nvr put make up, go meet Priscilla w my shagshag de face x.x
Head off to Yishun, met Ruting & Rebecca. Aft that, we split & pris+me headed off to Chong pang. Flagdayflagday, then I wan go cut hair.
Returned money to Mr Koh first. He v cute. Hahahaha always tell stories one ^-^. I also signed up for korean lang classes. T_T . Because I had a conflict w my korean tutor and I decided not to learn from her. Dontlike her! D:
Rushed off to Redhill & cut my hair.
T.T Sadsadsadsad tonight~ I spent $1xx there. Cutting fees + shampoo + tonic + serum.
Nevermind! Nu ren live to spend on vanity right! Hhaahhahaha :p
Aft that slacked @ workplace awhile, then ate dinner w hubby !
Fat die me. I put alotalot of cheese in my bake rice. ):
Then, I go home, sleepsleepsleep. Until today. I v sad. I wish I can just slim down miraculously. I superrr hate exercising. AH FATS GO AWAY ):!!!
Okay luh. Me go work :)
Bai everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ZHUAN QIAN! $$$$$$$$ !!!!

Annyeong bitches! ^-^
1st day of orientation today. As usual, I was late :/!
Kept wanting to fall aslp today in the auditorium lurh!
Aft that, had lunch break but me no eat ! ^^
Then went MLT or what, listen to some tings then had teabreak.
Was damn hungry. So I kept taking those sinful things ):
Aft that, went classroom.
Hopefully I can get used and warm up to everyone asap lurh huhs ?
Today sweat like pig. I think I can really jian fei just going to school -__- , Unless I cant control my diet lurh. Hahahha becos the classroom is like damndamn far away from the MRT lurh. x.x'
Aft that, even though I felt damn slpy, I went to find my hubby @ work today. Waheheahahas! Pei my hubby till night time. Show her FTI video clips and had funnnnn :D
Aft that, she pei me go mustafa find shoe. But I nvr buy in the end X.X
Homed and had a thorough bath. Felt so so so clean and refreshed after that!
Hahahahha. Okay, enough talk. I nida get ample rest and wake up early tml.
-_- Hopefully there wun be any lame games.......... I dun like lei. But nvm, can jian fei. Tsk. Goodnight everyone!
Me love FTI alot alot okie.
Hah~ Today worked 12-2 . 2 hours only! :p
Aft that, came home, get ready & went out.
Met Xiangning@ J8, then we went to eat @ pizzahut :DD
Afterthat, we went to the roof garden to see Mr Ruan !
Wait damn long, (7.15pm start), In the end they 9+ then arrive -.- Wtf.
Hahahahaha. Butthen Mr Ruan v good mood today like that.
Zi high, act cute. Veri cutezx! :D
Aft that, he got look @ us and act cute also! Hahahaha But Xiangning nvr see :X
I love cute guys :p.
We cabbed down to vivo to try see him but in the end suaysuay missed him by a few moments.
Then we homed !
Ah, even though I very tired now, I shall finish my drama & start watching another one!
Must settle my laptop stuff asap too!
Bai everyone :D
Here's one of the pictures. Couldn't take nice ones becos we were v far away.

Anyway, I think everyone siao liao. HAHAHA.
All their facebook profile pict is happy's face.
My sisters and yujie became happy already.
Dog!!! :p