Week 1 of holidays are shag.
But I foresee that week 2's will be even more tiring.
D: .
Today, went SP pass my grad cert photocopy. ._. " Damn mafan.
Afthat, I went solo hunting for shoes and got my brows shaped!
I really hate travelling. Fp travel to Dover. 30min.
Dover travel to AMK 50 min.
AMK travel back home. 30min.
Super hate travelling. I wish I can have more time in a day.
Wan to slp more.
Hello guys! I'm finally updating. Was reading blogs and I got the motivation to keep my this dead blog's flame going again. But... Maybe not for long.
Hahaha. Anyw, time's passing very quickly (to me). Everyday has been a wake up - school - come home sleep day. Now's like wk 9 already! Just had t term test and........ Well... I must say that I'm very bold enough not to prepare well for it. x.x! My materials is a ... sure goner :x. Hopefully I don't fail it luh huh?
Anyways, right after my last paper, I went Bugis myself to have my hair dyed. Guess wad colour I dyed it to? :d . This time, I tried sth different. Now, my hair's in a shade of dark purple + reddish highlights :)


After my hair session, I met up w Tuna sister, Belz and Babyluvy for nandos! Tuna treated me :d Thanks. But... I guess that place is seriously... Overrated... Long queue outside man... -.- But Tuna and me didn't even enjoy our food. Srsly... Not nice lah! Hahahah, and change for payment came damn slow. Like... 10 min? -.-
For the past 2 days... I had been shopping like crazy... Hunting for clothes... To expand my wardrobe D: . I'm almoooooooooost done w my shopping, just that... I can't find shoes that I like. And... I desperately need shoes... Tomo, I shall go shoe-hunting then... Hopefully (*prays) I can find my shoes...
*Thanks Winnie & Xiangning for accompanying me to shopping :d

I also wanna thank Zoee, Yingquan & Natalie for helping me get U-kiss vvip tickets :D .
I owe you all one! Hahaha.

Ukiss' coming on Sunday! Tml, I'm not free. Sat, working...
Howhow? I haven't done anything for them. Should I not do anything and just attend the event? :/ But like very wasted. I wanna pass them things leh. LOL. But I'm supersuper lazy to do letters or wadever....
If only the event is postponed until the next holiday good alr. I don't know why, but I am not very high now. :/ I should b happy and excited now, but ya.... :/
I still haven do my holiday homework too.. -.- Dk when I can squeeze out the time to do it.
Anyw... Anyone have tuition (For pri schoolers) job lobang for me? I wnna try... I am really in need of money. I spent a bomb... Imagine buying Ukiss' and beast's event tickets, having hairdye+highlight+treatment @ Jeanyip, shopping for 2 days.... I reckon I have already spent $8xx. & I'm still gonna spend more soon.
Soso, If you have any tuition job lobangs, please tell me. I wanna try!!! Please help me replenish my pocket fast fast. Lol.
Anyw, I shall conclude my busy schedule up ahead.
Tml - Go sp pass thing - Shopping
Sat- Work
Sun - Ukiss
Mon - Ukiss
Tue - Ukiss & Beast?
Wed - Beast
Thur - Beast
Fri - Beast?
Sat & Sun - School -.-
Monday - Birthday like not birthday like that. No time to celebrate la. Sch reopen -.-
What a shagshag life.
Taken from Jt's blog :D
(Regarding how guys should act. *Nods head)
二。 每天睡觉之前一定要给她一条道“晚安”的短信,不管你有多晚,因为她可能一直在等你,只是她嘴上说不管。即便是她已经昏昏睡去,第二天一醒来也会立刻去查 收信息。
四。 你问她想不想你时,如果她说不想,你不要生气,因为她的不想就是想。
五。千万要记得女生都是害羞的,不要什么都让她主动。也 不要在她表现心疼、吃醋、关心你的时候不停地问,只要偷偷地笑心里甜就够了,也许她不想让你知道她无时无刻不在想对你好。
六。 经常去她的空间逛逛,即使什么也不留下,但是她看到你来过的痕迹也会很开心,也许有些心情就是为你而写。顺便看看她的心情日志什么的,还有她好友的留言, 多知道点她的小秘密挺好,准备惊喜也容易点。
七。牵了手就不要轻易说分手,吵架的时候也不要说。如果她赌气跑开,只要一个用 力的拥抱就能让她安静,就能让她感觉到你的爱。希望你能懂她离开时想要被挽留,如果说出口那只是乞求来的温柔。
八。开始一段 新的恋情的前提是放下前面的所有恋情,你可以把她们给你的信物和美好记忆保留着,但是请把这些用一个匣子藏在她永远不会发现的地方,因为那些她不知道的事 对于她是致命的伤害。记住女生都是敏感的动物。
九。如果一时冲动分了手,请给彼此冷却的时间,想清楚她就是你想要的人就勇敢 地告诉她,不管用什么手段,死皮赖脸也好让她回到你身边就好。如果真的爱她就不要放开她,不要让她伤心,不要让她流泪,你明明知道她有多傻,她会傻傻等你 的,你知道女生的青春有多么宝贵么!如果你还心疼她绝不要在分手不到一个月就移情别恋,这样等于在她伤口上撒盐。请你交换角色想一想,如果你女朋友和你分 手第二天就在别的男人怀里开心地笑,你的心会有多痛?
如果你有一个傻丫头,请你好好珍惜她好好爱她好吗?也许你不知道你的一句 关心,你的一个微笑,你的一个吻,一个拥抱,一个摸头发的动作都是她的幸福,其实她要的只是这么简单。她不奢求太多的惊喜,太多的浪漫,有你就是她所有的 幸福。不要轻易放开她,因为她是傻丫头,她会在别人面前装的很强,对每个人微笑,然后半夜一个人躲在楼梯拐角处偷偷哭啼,她会不停地听着和你有关的歌,默 默关注着你,默默的生病,默默的流泪,她会开始变的沉默,变得开始唱悲伤的歌,弹悲伤的曲子。
如果你真的有一个傻丫头请记得你说的话 好吗?请你让她幸福,给她幸福,要自信的对她说:“我会让你变成全世界最幸福的人,我要让所有的人都羡慕你有一个好老公。”