♥ Linlin-memories
I need to give it up.
But somehow I have wishful thoughts. When I know it aint possible.
Bye.. )):
Let's Embark On a Trip ^^
Hello everyone ^^
Had been wanting to blog since saturday but I didn't hav the time.
Anyway, happy got his 'birthday' celebrated for the first time since living with us on friday night. He's 3 yrs old this yr, for ur info. Charlene got him a cake and some tarts @ the pet shop...
BANANA CAKE! His all-time favourite fruit :p

Take a look @ his stupid face sniffing the cake from far. Kawai!

Happy : "Awww... I wan the cake T_T"
I love the look on his face. like cute only~ ^^
We tried eating his tart also.. Anyway humans can eat dog food mah~. It smelt soooo nice, but it was... rather plain. Wonder why he love it so much. Lol......~
The next day, I embarked on a trip to Little India... Walked along serangoon road, taking pictures for my photo assignment. ~_~ Phew... At least my work's more or less done, I feel less stressed.. I tink I can pass my GEMs afterall ^^ . I'm starting t like my teacher, but that's a waste. Classes are ending alr. Wahahaha.

Visited places like Tekka Centre, went to their wet market... went to temples tooo.... I was afraid of taking pictures esp @ the temple bcox i tot it wasn't allowed. Hahahha. So, the first time I went in, I took very few pictures & they were all sucky... The 2nd time I went in, I realize I could just snap away there afterall ^^|| . So.. I took some really interesting pictures. hahaha.
After that trip, homed & ate lunch, prepared n went for oht's bday chalet. Happy 15th bday, huiting! ^^~~
BBQ-ed , played, & manymany funny things happened. I love situations where I get to laugh alot. :DD! But I didn't rly get to sleep ~_~ ... Slept for about 2+ hours only bcos i couldn't sleep ~_~! AFter tat, went to eat macs w winnie n went to escape theme park (It's sunday alr) . My virgin experience of playing Go carts was quite enjoyable ^^ . Back to chalet, bathed & decided to stay another night.
Rnd 2 of BBQ... It didn't feel like a chalet bcox @ our area, we were the only once bbq-ing & it was rather quiet. Then, Erica started to scare me -_______-||... Went up to the room aft they had ate their fill & slacked. Took the cab home with JH & JJ @ 4+ am. Wshed up & slept @ 5, thinking I would wake up for sch in 2 hours... -_-
Well.. Apparently, I didn't hear my alarm & overslept till 9+am. lol.... So, skipped school & cont sleeping. Story of my life.
Sad life.
Today... I had a bad day... )):
Rightnow, I'm stressed over the last assignment of photography. )):!
Today started out with marketing n IDEAS lessons... Powerpoint presentations seems to be never-ending in poly life... :S . Dismissed & headed to CSM to have my spects made... I'm really sucha indecisive person T_T . Narrowed my selection to 2 spects, 1 red & 1 purple... In the end, I faced such a dilemnia T_T Dk which to choose.. Made up my mind to take pictures of them and & ask people for their opinion... But just as I stepped out of the shop, I spotted mummy & I pulled her in. LOL, ok. Intheend, i chose the red one. & I'm currently wearing it now. Isn't it fast? ^^ good service.. Made @ 1+pm, 5+ can collect alr. wahahaha. I like! ^^
Then, I met priscilla for our mission... T_T that is to... ask those blind buskers for permission to take pictures of them.. ): . Asked 2 buskers & both rejected me. So sad. My assignment cant be done bcos of their rejection.... Well.. n something suay happened @ AMK )): . While Pris & me were thinking how to approach the lady busker, a guy approached us.... this was how the conv went...
Man: 你们可以帮我一个忙吗。。。?
Man :我失去了我的钱包。。。 今天找了一整天。。。 问了人家,也是找不到。。。(Show's his empty pocket...) 所以现在我没有钱回家。。。
So.. He hinted us to give him money... All the while, eileen's incident kept flashing in my mind. I suspected he's a fake... But I was also afraid he was really in need of help... -_- So, I purposely ask him if he's taking the train... (If he was taking cab, I wouldn't lend him. Bcos if 1 desperately need help, even if ask him to take train, he also willing what...) He said he's taking the train.. So fine... I felt that if I agreed to help him, who was in need, god would help me by causing the blind busker to agree to help me... So, hoping for this to happen as well, I gave him $5...
He talked a lot of crap... lies... asking if I need him to return me th money.. if need, giv him my hp number so he can meet me up 1 day n return it to me... well I said it was ok ... Then he proceeded to say in chi ' wa... din know singapore still got such kind people... blahblah... if see u all again, I will treat u all to kopi.... blahblahblah .. rly thankyou so much!''
then he left, going up the elscalator to the mrt...
Nbm, pris n me still cont talking about how to approach the busker... Sudd, I tot of an idea. To return me a favour, I wan th guy to help me talk to th busker n ask her for help... (since i can't express myself well in chinese...) ... I wanted to see if he was really a scammer too or not... Cos if he's authentic, he would be buying a standard card for mrt what... So... we went up the elscalator... Was tryna spot him... N found him standing next to the atm machine... He's expression upon seeing me was a little flustered n scared... That's when I tot 'Ah.. really got scammed alr...' Confirmed.. Srsly, I hoped that he was really in need... I didn't wan to tink all people who ask for money on streets are scammers... but lol. srsly... now... I feel like.. some singaporeans no hope alr...
As I was abt to approach him, 1 aunty talked to us... Say tat he was a scammer and all... lol. I gave him a fking hard stare and he only dare to look back @ me w the scared face... cb.. lol.. and I decided to drop the matter. asked the aunty help me w asking the busker instead... lol. n can u believe it... he was still begging that lady @ the machine to give him money... spineless bastard...
Dn wanna harp on this so much, so this is the last time i m gonna say this... To remember mistakes.... blog it.... and tell the whole world..
and to that fucking white cap, navy shirt + blue jeans spineless bastard, I hope ur penis rots... No father's day for u.. well I'd think a scammer like him has no wife nor children... who would want him... lol. No balls...
welll..... after that, I tot of another idea which is to take sushi thingy... but also cannot... tio rejected. T_T . Life's hard.. I participated in a 'sure-win' lucky draw too.. N i think I got the worst gift... which was just a small eco-frenly bag.. Lol -_- . see, get wad I meant with havin no luck @ all...?
lemme sum up my 20 days of 2011...
- Contact lens got infected, eye's turned red for days.. for 2 weeks... this has nvr happened before throughout my 3 yrs of wearing contacts....
- Got rejected by people, thus cant do assignment as planned.
- Took part in a 'sure-win' lucky draw & got the lannest prize ever.
- Got scammed by a fucking bastard... (this is th 2nd time i got scammed... 1st time in korea.. bought a dancing paper puppet that cannot even dance. LOL stupid)
lol. I cant tink if there's anymore other events... But well... -_- this is really.. bad enough for start of the yr... I hope it ceases soon... Like a pot of gold @ the end of a rainbow, I hope to have a easier life from tml onwards ):
좋은 날~~~

This picture is to wake those whose souls are somewhere else~ hehehe :p
Gross right T_T . My eye had been red since ... like last week ! I think 1 side got problem!!! I was letting my eye rest for 2 days by wearing spects to work on sat & sunday... When It got whiter, I wore lens again (of cos also bcos i got sch , & I srsly CANT go out with that state of ugliness...)... Today.... my left eye got abit red again... AND... my right eye... REDDER! T-T. This time, it's not only @ 1 side of the eye, so simple ok... My whole right eyeball also red... Ewww.... I bought normal lens and m wearing them now... Friday, I'm gonna make spectacles that I will go out in, & get the optometrist to check my eye. I hope there's nothing serious~
Anyway.... today went to gym in the morning... Exercised awhile only cos I damn lazy.. then, headed to school as usual... Macroeconomics is keeling me. Help T_T !! N the same goes for marketing... well of cuz due to the rajes' way of teaching... I feel suey this semester... I got a teacher who dk how to teach marketing well (keep talk cock & stray off subject...), and another teacher (teaching us illustrator), that Don't even know how to do some things in the tutorial itself!! Tell me... how cn i learn like this...? Im doomed...
But destiny! I will fight u ok. Ma de. Pick on me huhuhuh? Pick on my class huhuhuh? I know this is bad yr for roosters. But I will not lose u ok! Watch out. I will prove u wrg! ^T$%W^W#%~ HAHAHAH.
It's 9.30 now, I m supp to close shop alr. but let me blog finish :ppp
Today is a good day! 좋은 날~~
Not only
that..., hahaha... also, I managed to make sales today. ^^ so happy. When I'm happy, I really give the customer full service! With a smile & super-helpfulness! LOL :x . Belinda damndamn good to me I swear T_T . *Touched... She's gnna give us commission for selling some things T_T. It's not even like her obligation to do that lor.... T_T Jinjja gan dong!! Thankyou~~ T_T I will do well for the shop..............
Anyw, this is stupidstupid happy ^^ . Ytd, he was in his own slumber & I took fotos of him. So cute!!!

see.. one of his paws is pink one!! KAWAIIIIIII T-T

*Half-asleep look. *Gong!

And lastly,,, this picture taken @ SP. LOL... LOOK @ THE MALE SIGN! Some notti kids did that eh...? HAHAHA. so funny~~~
Kkkkkk goodbye!!!!
From now on, I will try to type short korean blog posts whenever I have the time... To improve my korean ^^ hehehe.
오늘은... 월요일 이에요~ ㅋㅋㅋ ^^
아까 8시에 학교은 다녔어요! ^^v~ 그리고... 집에 가요...
지금, 제가 아르파이팅해요~~...
그런대... 생님이 진짜 없어요! ㅜㅜ...
그래서..., 제가 공부할 거 예요~
여러분... 화이팅!
좋은 하루 보내서요! ^^
^ ^ v
I decided to reopen my blogggggggggggggg.
Because I should have a good habit of blogging~~ need to remember my life pages~~
&... well. serena begged me to open it... so yah.. beggar, I will fulfill ur wish.
How nice of angel yulin ^^~~
Went to caught 'Ghosts must be crazy' ytd with Serena, Yujie & Eileen @ Cathay!
Apparently, my dad got free tickets & gave them to nana! ^^
The show's rly funny~~! But I got scared a little at times T_T . Well , I just can't help it. Even if it's supposed to be a comedy, anything with ghosts... (Except Casper, the frenly ghost), I will still be a little fearful. Ghosts are my #1 fear! Srsly #1!! T_T_T!!
After that, ate @ Indulge. Woo not bad, their food! Hahaha. I have been tryna control my fetish for beef nowadays. Srsly, Im getting far too unhealthy these days T_T! Can U believe how healthy I was in the past...? Considering I had a very
very healthy mother, you can't doubt it when I said I didn't really touch fastfood such as MacDonalds in the past... Thus, on the rare occasions that I dined out @ mac's, I'd always ask my friend to help me order the food bcos Im scared & unfamiliar of the way to go about placing an order TT! Up to this age, (I'm turning 18 this yr), I hav never tried burger king before... Mos Burger, I tried once last yr... LOL. Omg ok, i btr stop. I really sound like a sua ku....
Yup, anyw, headed t school today as usual... Was talking to pris about the movie.. & I kept committing this mistake. Mark LEE was the one who made the film... But I kept saying "Mark CHAN"! LOL T-T. I made this mistake ytd too! This made everyone laugh at me... stupid... I got a friend call Mark chan ok!! HAHAHA. Then aft that, I was talking about Jack Neo's films... In the end, I say 'Jacky Chan'. Nabei what's with Chan! Keep flowing out of my mouth LOL. Pris didn't realize it and still 'Hm ya' LOL. That got us laughing. -_-
Kae. I'm gonna be a happy person nw......
I don wanna be like the old me who keep... thinking negatively and... intheend, I emo... LOLS.
I'm gonna laugh everyday.
It's good! Postive energy + I can lose my tummy fats ok!
Hehehe. K. Time to study(?)
So.. BYEBYE!!! ^^
I will fight destiny!
Hi! It's 12:21am now...
It's Friday today!
Hahaha. They said that the yr of rooster is gonna be unlucky this year eh...
It's only the start of 2011 and I'm alr... feeling unlucky T.T!!
Had Autocadd lesson just now in the afternoon and bcos I didn't have my mouse, I couldn't 'zoom' out... Hence, I started tryna restore the scrolling function using touchpad!!
Not only I rebooted my lappy several times, in the end, also couldn't activate! :((
And then, I realize,, i think due to my fiddling...., my autocadd cant open alr..
So I think I needa ask the technician to help me... I'm so lazy to go down to the spice centre! TT Nooo... I hope he'd come to class...
Sought help from yujie n he helped me to fix my scrolling one. So i'm Happy now! ^^
I skipped korean lesson today... Was feeling so lazy... LOL. And my eyes hv been red for like 3 days alr. -_- How man.... I don't wan to turn blind..... T_T But I don wanna wear spectacles go out!! Aigoo... Anyw, ended up eating dinner with pris, claire n teriza @ korean bbq @ citysqmall here. AS a typical singaporean,, I wanted to make my money worth out of the 25.90 buffet... LOL... Ended up, we ordered 2 barbeques (pork, chicken, beef, mushrooms mix...), 2 soups (1 herbal chicken & 1 kimchi soup) and 1 noodles.. LOL. On top of these, we had our own rice too...
Wellwell... Bcos of both my gluttony & 'worth-for-money' attitude........ I ended up experiencing the extreme bloatedness with 'food against my stomach wall' LOL. Srsly feel so xinku n wanna vomit alr. We spent 3 hours in the restaurant eating n laughing @ some stuff. HAHAHA. One of the things that was damn funny is:
Claire/Pris: Y your cup so small one (Or sth like that)
Ter: Cos cute people got cute cup ma!
Pris & I look @ ea other "..." *silence... Sudd the waitress cutting up our BBQ meat started laughing LOL. At first she over there armchio but i nvr see. Funnymax, ter paiseh. & We laugh till stomach pain. See the girl's expressions... LOLLLL
Ya... came home and slept...
Ultimate piggy today... Ate like a pig , slept like a pig...
I will atone for my gluttony sins tomorrow @ the gym tml.. Amittorhphor...
I was never really into making new yr's resolutions.
But suddenly, this yr, I feel so inspired to create some goals & achieve them by the end of this yr!
I'm gonna throw away old habits... Bad old habits...
I'll change for the better. I promise ^^.
Anyway, I think I will resume blogging, once again!! :D
It's so.. damn important to record your everyday life... It's like your life's story!
Everyday is a new page. Every year is a new chapter. Each passing phase is a part of the story...
My memory's getting worse these few days... Mayb because I'm too tired...
What happened 2-3 days ago, seriously... I rack my brains but I just cant recall...
So! To prevent a forgotten memories, I'm gonna pen every single thing down here!!! :D
Today... I went to gym... I'm seriously resolved to have a toned body!! By the end of 2011!!!
Hehehe. Aft that, headed school for a lesson of econs & marketing.
As usual... I didn't listen to rajes talking.. LOL. As for econs,,, I couldn't follow thru and start surfing twitter....
Tomorrow's another day & I really feel like skipping GEMs... There's supposed to be no gems tml!! but my teacher is rly... dumb. -_- ||
Sigh~ Anyw, I m about to knock off from work again. Update again! Bye ^^