went to buy books for next yr with giennieve today, shopped for some hair accessories :]
oh man, i still feel like watching dramas! one called "a love to kill" & the other "witch yoo hee" . i know its an old show. LOL , but nevertheless, i still want to catch it. however one series is 20 bucks each. oh man , i really dont want to waste my money and time on dramas anymore. but i just cant help but to tink about the shows ]:
i wanna catch "Bedtime Stories" on xmas, and "Hotel for dogs" too.
]: i see my money flying away~
Plans: Friday - mayb going out with baby, belz and luvy.
Sat - Go out with giennieve to do some shopping and make our brows
Sunday - mayb go out with giennieve to shop :]
i feel like getting more money from my mom first D:
so i can get more stuffs that i want ! :D
alright i'm gonna take a night shower now, cleanse and mosturize my face and put on a face mask i bought today. hope it really tightens my skin as it indicates ]: Don't cheat me please, arigato~
sayonara everyone.