♥ Linlin-memories
Monday, December 22, 2008
Yesterday's a happy and suay day.
met up with giennieve at 10 + am , headed to AMK hub. We didn't really feel like eating , so simply bought a bread and sweettalk. wtf, i ordered honey red tea. and the girl like noob lor. tell her make honey red tea she can ask me to repeat 3 times. then on the 3rd time, she say " Honey green tea ?"
like fk. then nbm, she pour so much honey, then nver melt it properly then proceeded to put the red tea. want me get diabetes uh! when i got it, the honey is like in lumps lorh, due to she NOT melting it. screwed. but i drank it anyway. super sweet , and i cant take too much sweet stuff. i guess that's the reason why for the whole day, i didn't have appetite and feel a lil sick. stupid.
then we went to do face threading and eyebrow shaping :D imma happy man, because my blackheads on th nose is gone ! :D and my face look so hairless and clean now. wahahaha.

Then we proceeded to Far east plaza to shop for clothes. She couldn't find the sandals she want D: but i managed to buy a top, a dress, a pair of earrings from there. spent like 70+ bucks on these. After that we chiong-ed down our dinner cuz i was getting late for work D: we're at FarEast and my work's at Bedok for yesterday ._." so yah, met bun at Bedok at like 6.40 when i told him i can make it by 6.15 LOL. sorry.
my first working experience okay! giennieve accompanied me . thankyou! :D
but yesterday's location was sucky. the number of icecreams sold is like super pathetic. donwanna talk about it. and the best ting is - i did not even sell one. giennieve n bun sold de . D: .
omg. D: after that giennieve had to go home and we did not have any more people buying D:

PS: the first block we went is like cmi ._. - 1 rm flats and 99 % of the doors are not open. whole building so quiet that u don't hear any movement or television. damn ulu and scary. got one part still got very strong medicated oil smell. this signifies the old people . this whole block, we do like 1 level only, den change block le. course it's predicted there won't be sales here.

off work at 10.30, but left at 11pm. walked to MRT, but we weren't sure of the way. ._. so wasted lots of time, + my slow walking. bun had to remind me several times that the last train departs at 11.40. then i will walk faster. hwever, after a few minutes, u will see me lagging behind me again. LOL.

so, when we reached the station, he asked the guy if there's still train anot. the guy sae mei you le -.- then nbm we go search for bus. my bus was gone. bun decided to ton at giennieve's house with haigui n opti. shared cab to her house, and our pay's considered gone. course it's a meagre amount only. LOL.
giennieve requested i stay overnight at her house too, and i did so. the boys slept in one rm and the girls slept in another room. :D

now it's raining, and i don't feel like going home,yet. school is going to open! ugh i don wan D:

PS: thanks giennieve for lending me money, i will return u asap one! :D and thanks for being a great shopping buddy, and thanks for accompanying me to Bedok :x ROFLs :D xiexie.
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