I think everyone ought to be hygienic.
Especially those who are selling food to others. It's unworthy to cause others food poisoning & it can be avoided. Just by not being hygienic and mindful of your surroundings, you're actually causing people to suffer. If serious, one may die. Just like how Indian Rojak had cost the lifes of 2, & inflicted other problems to other people.
Yea, afterall, humans do make mistakes, we need to learn to empathize with them & understand that they did not have the intention of causing food poisioning. However, this could be avoided. So, please, just mind your hygiene okay?
Get well soon baby.
I'm really very worried for all sorts of examinations right now.
How I wish time would just freeze right now. Then I can have eternality to study finish everything that I need to. & I wanna blog out my frustrations towards that man living under the same roof as me again.
Wtf is your problem? Everytime Happy does a small mistake, you shout for me, "Yulin!", before I hear heavy footsteps rushing up the stairs, as
always. Loser. Yea, you open the door, rush to my bedside and start ranting, "%$#^$%". I ignore you. Your blood presure rises, and you start scolding even louder. Realizing you could not get me to answer you, you resorted to hitting me. You motherfucking loser. Yes, I just savour every moment as your irritability level rose. You made me happy that way. Hahahaha, thankyou, because of you, I can train my endurance level. Oh, I think Imma turning sadistic...... But that's only towards you :D.
Heard that you're thinking of ways to kill the dog. Ohhh you know what? If you really kill the dog, you'd turn into a murderer. Andand, I can report you to the police, right? :o , Are you sure you wanna me do that?
One word for you.
Sucker. Hahaha.