Happy Ang.

Isn't he one cute lil dog? But even cute lil dogs have to get spankings from mama yulin when he pees on me! ): Tmd, I was kneeling on the floor & using laptop. Sudd, I felt a tickling sensation at my feet. Didn't think much of it until I turned behind and saw my pinafore + floor wet. Ya. Wet with what? His pee lah. Tmd. But bcos my dad's at home, he was spared from my scoldings. -_- . Lol. & He's really hard to bathe. Growlgrowlgrowl. Needa coax him and praise him, and talk crap with him then can distract him -_- . You all shud have heard Char doing it. LOL
Shit. I haven't been doing homework that I instructed myself to do. Tmd!