♥ Linlin-memories
Monday, June 29, 2009
Heng I never tio quarrentined =x
The to-do-list is quite cham. Tsk. HAHAHA. Okay. Anyway, today, is 1st day of sch :D
Ytd, I couldn't sleep until like 3+4+ am then can lor! U know why? Bcos I'm excited for school! LOL. Like real. -_- I've gotten too used to slping late during the holidays and yaya -_-

OHYA. Btw, Happy's back in action! :D Home sweet home. Now I feel quite sad for BB. All the attention is being turned away from her and unto Pipi. x_x &, she can only stare from the top of the stairs bcos pipi is too anti-social & territorial :/ . Poor BB. Lol!

Okay. Anyway, school's quite slack today. Hate PE alot, ttm! I can't wait to graduate now. Realize that O's are only 4 mths away. & my O level Chi Oral is next wk. Damn scared luh. Lol. Okay bah. Anyway, I think I go play with dogs now. LOL :))

I have finalize my decision. =) . Thanks for helping me stick to my decision.

P.S. Thanks to those who wished me happy bday regardless by smsing, tagging, fb/fs-ing. ^_^x Ily! Hahahaha, &, I'm finally 16. Can go open pool table liao. Can go watch Nc16 liao. Can make posb card w/o parents liao (?) . HAHAHAHA. ;D
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