I'm sad luh. Never win
sunkist, never win contest. Never win everything one. )): !
I just want my kimchi now. No kimchi also can. I wan food & money luh.
Ah, but life's like this. Shan't brood over my loss/whatsoever. Anyway.... I got a damn cute picture of BB to share w u all :) . (Kop-ed from E's blog de.)

Hahaha all these just make my day. So cute & gong. =DD
P.S. Hope that school holidays will be extended luh,
Hope I can win the last draw for sunkist +.+
Anyway, I go do housework le. Byebye. May update again.
The Education Ministry has said it will issue a seven-day leave of absence to all school staff and students returning from affected countries on, or after June 22.
Eh eh eh. V dumb ley. Sg's also affected what. Why must come back then get the leave? -_- Wlao eh. I want go to affected country for awhile ley. 1 hr also can. }: }:!!