Spartan's Outing (:
Woke up at 9+ ytd, got rdy & met G,Wk&Mantou first. Headed to vivo, bought breadtalk & went subway. Htp,Haigui,lychee,twinkle arrived. Then me&G went 7/11 buy things & went back t basement to wait for the rest. Very long :/ .
Altogether there were:
Me, G, Wk, Mantou, Nightz, Dzq, Htp, Haigui, SS, Rhap, Lychee, Twinkle, Ice, Truffle, Ahwei, Lpxx, Opti, Phat0m, Yuan. That's all right? Hope I din miss out anyone. Headed t sentosa & played volleyball awhile. The sand damn hot :/ ! V soon, water supply no more & we(G, Rhap, SS, me) had t walk all the way to P. 7/11 buy. We walked for I think, mayb 1hr alr? Lol! So far, So tired. Lol. Aft that, played captain's ball. Quite fun. But Only with 1 bread in my stomach, I felt quite weak aft 1 game le. Lol. Hanged on for 2 or 3 more games & we went t wash up, blah.
The rest went back t vivo first. G&me waited f Rhap&SS to bathe finish & by the time, it was 7+8pm alr. Headed back t vivo & met up with the rest. Slacked awhile & returned home. Thankyou gentlemanly pok for sending me home. Laughs.
P.S. Eh! I ytd survived on 1 bread+some pringles & drinks only. I damn proud of myself lah. :x Somemore got play. Think ytd I gt jian fei a bit :x Laughs.Sorry for the random note. But I really feel damn happy. Hahaha. & I'm very dark now lorh. I see myself in the mirror, can see white colour body w a line. On top of the line, is dark-skinned + 2 white vertical lines :x . Healthy colour. Yang guang. Muahahaha. Okay, sot. :x
Anyway, I'm so damn hungry now. Gonna gonna. go down & eat now :) ! I'm so happy. Okay, well. A mixture of feelings to be exact. Hahas. Okay. Pictures will be uploaded when Rhap updates Spt's blog.
Sayonara ~
Updates :)Went out for Father's Day dinner. Serena got me my bday presents alr :D ! 1 Necklace & 3 pair of earrings. Hahaha Thankyou :)) . Will post the picts another day. After that, Tuna(Serena), her boyf, Char & me headed t AMK Hub t catch a movie. Thanks Tuna for treating! :p Hahahah. We caught "Land Of The Lost" (I think it's this title?) . :D . It's retardedly funny but not bad! :D . Worth watching it if you wanna laugh. Hahahaha. Aft that, bought a blouse & homed. :)

P.S. I dunknow why there's a ghost in these pictures. :/ Really scary.

My v.cute mother cleaning car w wet tissues last minute -_-
Wlao!! While I was blogging, Char hummed a tune. Scare meeeeee! I tot both of them sleeping le. Then I hearing things. -_-" .....................