How time passes...
Look at the time now :
1.28 am. & Here I'm.
Neither sleeping nor studying.
I'm really a failure luh. Whole day never study again. Seems like I'm really planning hard for f9s. ): . Anyway, after this post, Imma gonna turn in for the night. :) .
Time's passing really quickly aye?
Age's catching up on me. ): & I don't wanna grow old~ .
YJ helped me reformat the comp. Thanks alot , patient guy! LOL, you all wanna know why?
Bcos he had been searching on the net for the sound card for I think 2 hours?! Wa.... If me uh, 30 min jiu frustrated liao. HAHAHA. Thankyou uh!
I transferred old images & memories flashed by...
These were taken last yr... Hahahas. When my family were all going for the family foto shoot. :p .
Still rmb-ed, Char was busy being the "makeup artist" in my house. Still rmb-ed my mum cutting her fringe on that day bcos my dad told her to trim it. End up, she cut until like coconut & the whole family kept making fun of her . Hahaha! Joke!

Aft that, I still rmb-ed, in the studio, very funny. I'm one of the tallest in the female side alr. Then, Char & my cousin was standing beside me. Then, they had to stand on the blocks to make themselves reach around my height. HAHA! :p Shorties * :X
Thenthen, one of my guy cousins was wearing a cap. Then, the photographer sae " Why you wear the cap? Morning never brush your hair ar!" Lmao. Then he took out, he = army hair. Then contrast him with his bro, one no hair, one alot of hair. Damn funny.
I like this picture. :p. But sad lurh. Can see that from this pict, I've grown fatter ): . I think?
:) . I still rmb, for almost every week last time, I always went pasir ris to prawn. Hahahas. Long time no prawn. Forgot the feeling alr. Lmao.

Then... This was the first picture of Happy~
The day he stepped into my house. Kawaii neh? Still rmbed, we hurry sneaked him into the house bcos my parents weren't at home. :p . Then sudd, they came back & found out. Hahahaha!

This cute lil brat shitted beside Tuna soon aft he set foot on the ground.
For the next few weeks, he kept napping. Every hour also napping one. :p . So cutie~
As time grew, he grew too. Owner also grew ): .
He developed a retarded face. HAHAHA (Like the one on the left~!) .
& I started bullying him. LMAO. See his cute cute innocent face on the right? Lmao!

Then came the time when he developed 'eye ulcer'. It became so serious, he almost went blind. x.x . But God saved him. He recovered :p . Hehehes.
Notice his right eye... So pain till can't open ): !

Since last yr, he's our family member . (: .
Happy Ang.
My sisters keep laughing at the fact that his medicines always have the label printed "
Happy Ang Yu Lin" . Lol!
Other than Happy, hamsters were also part of my life once.
Kuaikuai, Le Le, Hammie, Hamu, HamHam, Tiffany....
Lele&Hammie were given away halfway through.
& Kuaikuai was the proud father of Hamham & Tiffany , as well as the hubby of Hamu...
Actually the 2 lil ones would still have a sibling. But the mummy ate the other one up ): !
Kuai kuai , Hamu & the lil ones. (:
I think this pict is cute .
Anyway, I wanna say, Ytd was quite a day for me. G & me accomplished a mission Impossible.
"To catch the one who doesn't want to be caught" As quoted from G.
Hahaha~ Here's t story. Nicole(The loser), LOL, Didn't wan us to go her house. -_-
Wth right? We go there help her catch hamster lei! Bcos she dun dare....
Then, when we were dismissed, she ran off from us... LOL. We waited at e bus stop, didn't see her... Until... We spotted her across the road, at maplewood park & she's gonna walk home.
We decided to chase her, using another route :p. && we walked damn fast? I swear... This is the fastest I have ever walked lorh. LOL! SO damn tired. Reached Kovan MRT. Sat there & looked for her. We fret over the fact that she may have alr reached home... Aft awhile, we decided to go home, thinking she may not even be here alr.
So, we decided to buy some things in HLM first. Turned back & I spotted her. LOL. Ahya. You all should have seen her expression. Priceless. HAHAHA!
& In the end, we went her house. Hahaha.
Okay. Anyway, recieved math+POA+Chem results today.
Math was expected one luh.
Chem... Also quite predictable one luh.
Only POA suprised me. Pleasantly suprised me. Hahaha! :p
Okay luh. I shall go orh orh liao. Goodnight my dearies~ HAHAHA.
Me hope for 1 thing -
Jaebeom... ): Come back lurh!