I had a long long day ytd.
Woke up early in the morning, prepared and headed to Bishan.
Met YJ there & the trio headed towards Kranji.
Bought my
current obsession, Mr Bean's pancake there. ^^
& Headed to woodlands checkpoint................ Blah.
The bus journey towards Msia's custom was darn jammed up luh.
I stood there so long. -.- Tired.
Finally cleared the checkpoints, & we waited for the bus to go to the shopping mall.
-_- Again, damn long wait.
If not for the old man who grumbled, & caused a "show" between him & the bus guy, we wld have to wait even longer. LOL!
When we reached there, we were like... 40min-1hour late for our appt?
Haas. Then we got ready for the shoots.
Makeup makeup makeup, very heavy makeup x.x!
Then chose clothes.
I wore a blue kimono, white short dress for evening parties, spanish dress and angel... LOL. -.-
The first time, when Tuna taking pictures, v funny.
The guy sae "
Whr's ur teeth? Whr's ur teeth? You left them in Singapore uh? " LMAO.
Still got alot things but I cant really rmb liao.
But it was a long day. Had 2 other couples too.
Got one couple, the lady v cute. Like er zuo ju zhi wen de male lead(forgot the name), de mother. Not so young, but pretty+cute & energetic. Hahaha! Then ya.
We only finished at like 7-8pm. x.x! So long uh?
From 1 pm to 7-8pm. x.x!
Hungry ghosts (us) went to eat aft that.
Yumyum, I ate chicken cutlet + pizza. Very big appetite. Hahaha!
See my shag face .-.-
Goldfish face.
Headed to custom again. Long queues! ):
Fringe in a messsss. Bcos of the hairspraysssss, I couldn't put them well tgt.
Finally reached sg, took train to bishan. -_-
I was so damn tired, I closed my eyes throughout the ride.
When walking out of the MRT, I also half sleeping de.
Until... This weird guy tapped me on the shoulder. & Asked me "
Hello, what's your name?"Then I v confused n irritated. LOL. I frown at him and "
Then he "
What's your name? What's your age?"
Then I frown even more "
??? Yulin" . Then I searched for YJ n TUNA.
Damn lorh, they walk so fast, infront of me like 7 meters lei. -.-
& they never even turn back. So I couldn't like attract their attention too.
I v angry lor. Whole day, they walked faster than me. Don't even care about me -.-.
Later I tio kidnapped how? Then they realize it that time also too late liao. -.- . Since the time we arrived at MSIA, to leaving MSIA, & in Singapore -.- .
Then I tell the guy "
I nid to go" then he "
Ohh nvm" .
Then I walked away -.- . So weird. Crazy guy. Then bcos of him, I from "half-sleeping" mode, become "Awake" mode . -.-
Joined back with them, waitted at taxi stand.
What kind of taxi stand is that luh -.- ? Wait like 30 min then finally got taxi for us. zzzzzzzzz!
Home sweet home.
But of cos, though I was damn tired, CAN'T WASTE THEIR MAKE UP RIGHT?
LOL. So... Took picturesssssssssss!!!

This Q boy... Retarded face.

Bathed and wow. Just by washing the face, the water turned baitch. (Dono how to spell).
So much luh!
The end? No.
I still had activities in the night...
I woke up from my dreams 2 times.
1st time, laughing. Damn funny.
2nd time, crying. Damn sad & angry.
HAHAHA BUT I am lazy to explain why already.
My stomach had been growling since the start of this post!
& With that, I shall end at this post now , 12:45.
7 is 1 !
NONONO. WY should change it to , HOTTEST + 7 IS 1!!! HAHAHA