Veryvery lazy to update my blog, & anyway I dun think anyone would be reading this damn dead blog already.
Suddenly, I feel very stressed. I hate travelling. I hate waking up early in the morning. I hate waiting. I hate the feeling of having no importance to anyone, no money,
Damn it lurh, I went to have my medical checkup today & in the end, they only asked questions all that. Those things I can even fill in myself -_-. Then, they dun have x-ray system. Wtf, so tomorrow I nida get up early in da morning to travel all the way to hougang polyclinic to get it done. Hopefully there wun be a crowd, but -_-" sure have one.
Damn, I don't know why I get pissed off easily these days. My da yi ma must be coming soon. I feel so irritated.
Why does everything turn out this way?I hate hate hate everything. %#^#%#^^@%#$@^@#%$@.
Shall update another time. Agggggggggggg.