♥ Linlin-memories
1 month
Schooled.Was a lil hyperactive today, especially for chinese lesson :D
Got bai ban ting xie. Good thing i sort of learnt my chinese yesterday night. :x .
Dismissed at 2 due to cancellation of bio lessons today }: . I was still looking forward to lessons today. LOL.
paid attention to what t teacher is teaching today. :p LOL. Lame!
Okay, but I decided that.....
Imma gonna
continue this way till O lvls. Hope I will continuously have t 'feel' to study :D
Time is ticking
1 month + to Mid Year Examinations
3 months + to O lvl Chinese.
5/6 months plus to Prelims.
7+ months to O lvls.
I'm nervous & scared just thinking about these.
What course should I take in Poly?
I've actually decided on one.
But I was thinking deeper into the future yesterday.
If I take that course, I may not have anything that I can fall back on if it doesn't go according to my plan.
I feel that I can learn what I will study in that course myself.
Morever, if I take the other course, I can do 2 different kinds of work at the same time, thus earning more $.
However, I don't have much interest in the other course.... }:
How? Argh, I am really bad in directions.
Be it direction in life or directions to places. }:
Suddenly, I feel very old. I'm ageing at an unthinkable speed.
This yr will pass in a breeze, then I'll be 16.
By the time i complete poly, I'll be 18.
I feel so old }: !
How I wish I can turn time back. Then I'd change some things.
I'd save more money, & study even more.
I suddenly feel that if you don't study hard, you'll become a 'useless' person. You won't have much money, you can't do much to enjoy life. Then it results in 'no purpose of living.'
Whereas, if you're rich and knowledgeable, many jobs will be applicable for you. Life will be enjoyable for you. }: . Argh.
I really want to turn back time. I regret not studying hard le }: !
You're somewhat like the character in my literature book- Helena.
Just that the endings are different.
You won't end up with him.
Just stop it alrdy. Really }: !
♥ I wanna meet Domenic! :p
Twilight of love
Schooled ;
Had free period for POA bcos my classmates didn't want lessons . Heh.
So, i studied a little for biology.
Tml got test }: !
Then, had mathematics.
I'm v happy. I can understand this topic so far. Imma gonna make sure i listen very attentively for mathematics esp for this chapter. :D
Had chinese - then english.
Phyllis is hilarious. LOL.
Okay, then went t eat lunch with frnds at kopitiam.
Went back to school for CCA. Go there use computer to do some smlj ppt. But of cos, we didn't really do it . heh. I seriously cant wait for April to come. Then is 'step down' le. Oh -.- i just rmbed, starting from next wk, i have to go for shop duty every monday for the next month.
Totally waste my time. -.-!
PS. i made use of the school's printer to print my own picture. LOL! not bad ley. mayb ima gonna do it a few more times. :D LOL! F-O-C somemore. (Okay i know i sound cheapskate. LOL but for freeeeeee, who dont want? :p)Didn't meet my boy for 2 days le. imisshim!
Shall mit him soon {: !
Okay! It's getting late. I've just finished up on my english stuff. Gonna study my other subjects soon.
Cant wait for tmr to come :} .
Only thing that
pulls my mood down tmr, is
CHEMISTRY }: . there's
practical tmr. Ah
sucks ._. .
Off to studying!
Toodles ~
The stone is not lifted yet.
♥ COMMON TESTS ARE OFFICIALLY OVER :}Monday Took POA paper, wasn't fully prepared at all.
Went into the examination room with doubts. }:
True enough, I faced diffculties.
Section A already had questions I couldn't tackle.
Section B was worst. Anyhow do, even the Balance sheet cannot complete. Ahya, think this paper, I will fail. Even if it manages to pass, it won't be a good one. T.T!
Okay, nevermind. At least, common tests are over ^^
During chinese, was talking to huiyen about ghostly encounters and stories. LOL, she is tempted to try putting Dog eyes' tears so she can see ghost ._. ! Really scary. So I told her, "Wait till maybe you're 80 then put ba." Then she wouldn't have t experience it for so many yrs :x LOL!
Tuesday Schooled.
Went home & took a nap.
Woke up at 6, bathed and went t meet my laogong :D!
Sorry, I was occupied with doing my homework. Didn't entertain you much :/ !
Headed back home at 11 + , sis bf appeared. LOL, then I went home.
Smsing with love, found out that sis bf & him shared a cab home.
So fang bian. LOL, okay then packed up , & slept :}Today
Schooled, blah.
Okay, came home & did my chinese homework.
I'm almost done with my zuo ye.
But still got lian bi T.T .
Okay. Lets see what i've to do today -------
- Zuo ye
- Lian bi
- Mathematics
- Study for biology test on Friday
- Maybe start studying the chinese words tt are gonna b tested on monday T.T!
Even though common tests have just ended, I realize I don't have much time till Mid Year exams are here again. Time is really passing too fast for me to catch up. Even if i start now, I think I still not have enough practise and time to memorize & understand everything taught from last yr n this yr. T.T Omg I'm dead. Sec4 is really very very stressful indeed. }:
Time is ticking. Time is tickin'ticking. Time is ticking. LOL. I wanna apply shakespear here! :D
To me, Time is now :
"Swift as a shadow, short as any dream,
Brief as the lightning in the collied night;
That, in a spleen, unfolds both heaven and Earth,
And ere a man hath power to say “Behold!”
The jaws of darkness do devour it up. "
TADA! I got learn my literature one okay! Don't playplay. LOL! Okay crap.
I better go do my homework liao.
Toodles! :}
I cannot stand it. -.-
You're indecisive & abit desperate, I feel.
I think you should stop that.
It's been a long time already.
Can't you see his true colours? Or what?
Treasure the one next to you now.
Trust me. He's not the one for you. -.- & , many people feel that too.
Now what shakespear says can be applied on you.
"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind" . -.- Really loh. Never see him before, But you love him. However, i feel that he cannot be trusted. Whatever he has done, feels very fake -.- . & Have already been proven tt he has lied to you before. -.-, Everything seems very staged and fake. He feels so ... -.- The distance between you and him, is very very far. -.- You have given him your heart, but he... I dono.-.- you should know already!
Ahya, please stop liking him already. The one who is by your side really feels the best to me now. I know I'm not you & I have no rights to say these. && , you cannot control your own feelings. -.- But you really have to ma. -.- You aren't young anymore. Cannot drag time anymore. Don't say about regretting what you posted on your blog cos he sees it or whatsoever. The results are still the same - you won't be with him. AHYA! I DONO HOW TO SAY LA. }}: !
But, just stop lah. Ahya. It irritates me to see you still liking him. I care for you, & seen you hurt by this guy many times. I know that the one next to u now is 100x better than him. As you know, dang ju zhe mi, pang guan zhe qing right? It means the person herself/himself is blur or what, but onlookers sees the picture the best. It applies to you. You're so blinded by love that you can't see he's so fake! AH -.- !
Suan le. It's very obvious who you are. You know who you are &I know you read this le you sure bu shuang me -.- Sure feel very zzzz! But I just want to write this here okay ? (: call me naggy or what, for i've told/warned you this many times already. The rest is up to you. (:
I have rotted my whole day away }: !
& The best thing is, I have nt studied for my POA test that is approaching tml .
The topics that are gonna b tested tmr is very very hard }: and i am very unsure of how to do it. Oh manzx.
Have been replying tags in facebook. Then went blog surfing, found tt i was tagged by cheryl a long time ago. Nothing to do, so i just replied t the tag :D
Here it is :}
1)The person who passed you this quiz is...
Cheryl Ang :}
2. Your relationship with him/her is....
Friends duh!
3. Your 5 impressions of him/ her:.
Future Artist
4. The most memorable thing he or she has done for you:
Draw cute cute things for me! :}
5. The most memorable words he she has said to you:
"Noone in the world is stupid, only lazy." In chinese, on Friday.
6. If she becomes your lover, you will...
Omg! O_O
7. If she becomes your lover, things he/she should improve on...
Impossible lah!
8. If she becomes your enemy....
Heck care her.
9. If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be...
Impossible lah okay? :}
10. The most desired thing you want to do for her now is...
I don't think of this.
11. Your overall impression of him her is....
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
I don't know. Imma no mind reader }:
13. The characteristics you love about yourself are...
Being Mindful
14. On the contrary, the characteristics you hate about yourself are...
Being too anti-social.
15. The most ideal person you want to be is...
To live life with no regrets & with happiness!
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them..
Keep caring for me! Love me, & I shall love you back (Variable) :}
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you...
1) Jan
2) Jinting
3) Giennieve
4) Penelope
5) Serena
6) Charlene
7) Eileen
8) Domenic
9) Huiyen
10) Wenloong
{I Din know that these are the numbers that are gonna be done, so i wrote ppl with blogs first. :x ya.}
18. Who is no.6 having a relationship with at the moment?
No one, hope she settle down soon. LOL! Don't be picky lah!
19. Is no.9 a male or female?
20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?.
LOL! Impossible, 7 got bf le. Moreover, they don't know each other :X
21. How about no.8 and 5?
Wtf cannot! 5 got bf , & 8 already got me okay! $%#$^#$
22. What is no.2 studying?
English, Emath, Amath, Chinese, Science (bio/chem) Elective geog, Pure Lit
23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
Yesterday. Sms & msn is counted right?
24. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
No particular band? I guess he likes any music that appeals to him?
If this is wrong... Then imma a failure X_X!
25. Does no.1 has any siblings?
Yup, 1 younger sis and bro :}
26. Will you woo no.3?
No? She's a girl & i'm nt a boy!
27. How about no.7?
No -.- Same reason, & she's my Blood sister too!
28. Is no.4 single?
30. What is the hobby of no.4?
Truthfully, I dont know.. }: !
31. Do no.5 and 9 get along well?
They don't know each other!
32. Where is no.2 studying at?
33. Say something casually about no.1.
Janny janjan! :D
34. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
HAHAHA! Developed! :} LOL!
35. Where does no.9 live at?
Lor Ah Soo! near me :D
36. What colour does no.4 like?
Omg, this i also dono }:
37. Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
38. Does no.7 likes no.2?
They don't know each other.
39. How do you get to know no.2?
Same class in Sec 1 :}
40. Does no.1 have any pets?.
Yes, a dog and 2 turtles i think ? :}
41. Is no.7 the sexiest girl in the world?
HAHAHA! No ? :x
42. Do you think its possible if no.4 and no.5 date each other?
No -.- wth!
43. Say something more about no.6...
Irritating :x!
44. What is your relationship with no.9...
Friends / Or, She's my ex-hubby. :}
45. List all the schools that no.1 to no.10 are in and originally from:
There's ppl from Pl, naval base sec and simei ITE :}
46. What would you do if no.10 hates you?
Wah! Then sad le loh }:
47. Which of the following are in a relationship?
48.How did you first met no.3?
Near my house :} I first talked to her was manymany yrs ago, like mayb 7 yrs? And i went, "Are you the girl who sit on the wheelchair one?" HAHAHA!
49. How would you react if no.3 and no.10 are together?
WOW O.O!! congratulations! :}
50. Last question! What would you do if no.10 tells you she is pregnant?
LOL!!!! HAHAHAHAHA. DAMN FUNNY. He's a boy! :xxx!
Anyways, I think I should go & revise my POA right now.
So ya, toodles! :}
Withlove,DAZE {LOL!}Labels: YAM ♥

♥ I will watch these 2 soon :} !
Crap! I've been doing nothing productive since I woke up.
Gotta do it now.
1 more left standing
I'm finally left with POA.
I've to chiong studies + Assignments today.
Ahya go to hell lah, English & Chinese! I hate you!
Hahaha, Okay about my chem & bio test... ,
Chem no hope , Bio still got hope tho i know i lost marks.
Went home, bathed all that. then met laogong :}
Walked t market, ordered my contact lens. My deg. went up by 25 ! }:
My eyes are getting worst. I don't wantttt }: .
Yahs, tonned wif him ♥ ; damn tired.
Came home, used lappy do abit of eng. Gave up. I cant find good and specific info. Ah! make me damn pek chek. Decided to slp. Slpt till 9+ pm, woke up & ate. Then went back to slp. Feel like a pig sia -.-, I think Imma growing fat cos I'm leading a pig's lifestyle }: . I dont wanttt !
Then, woke up at 10 today. slacked till now. I haven done my POA revision & English assignment. Dead!! Still got 2 lian bi, but i really fucking lazy to do. ]:
& I'm damn hungry right now. But i'm very lazy t go buy food frm the kopitiam. }:
Mid yr exams are coming in 2 mths. i'm nt preparedddd. HOW? }: .
Ah, more love oil needed t be burned.
Oh, & This few days, I kept thinking about what the love expertist said in the newspaper.
Quote : "Valentines Day is a test of love. It breaks weaker relationships & for the stronger relationships, it is like any normal day." It's not the exact quote bcos i can't rmb it, but it's sth like that. I think it's v true. Yah, it's happening arnd me, even the breakup of Jaime Yeo and Glenn. :{ !
Ahyo! Anyway, just wanna tell these people, don't think too much of it okay? The right one will come eventually, meanwhile, concentrate on other things! like studies & friends :} , time does heal . Jy! ♥
Random note :
{♥}I'm loving yam! I love yam! YAM IS YUMMY! yummy yam; yam yummy! :}
& Of cos, I damn love my boyf,
domenickoh, toooooo! :p {/♥}
Toodles :p ~

How I wish I can have the ability to freeze time, or extend time, or even to
turn time back.I reallyreallyreally need LOTS of time! GRRR.
Especially for today. I wanna do very well for my biology. But I've to start from scratch because of some kns teacher that i got last yr. Teach until like wtf!
(1)Briefly goes through about some functions, blah.
(2)Notes very little, and brief
(3)Does not emphasize on key points
(4)Damn qian bian
(5)Most importantly, SHE SAY THINGS FAST FAST ONE, think we typewriter or what? Then people didn't manage to copy finish, ask her repeat, 90% her answer is :"No, Copy from your frens."
Seriously, fk off la! You're the cause of why my interest for biology fade & why my biology dropped from A1 to C6. Luckily this yr change teacher.
I lovelovelove this teacher :} the one who taught me in s2. that's why i got A. Now, my interest for biology is picking up again. However, I really need to put in tonnes of effort so that I can push it back to an A.
I really regret a little that i took combined sci. Cos my Chemistry sure pull me down one. fk ._. !
Okay, anywayssss, I really want to fk my papers! ROAR!
Had SS + Literature on yesterday.
Quite fked up lah. I think i'm either gonna fail v badly, even if God gives me chance, i will just pass on the dot. ._. !
Then, went home after school. I DAMN PROUD OF MYSELF FOR YESTERDAY :} ! I stayed at home, studied from 3+ to 5+, then went to eat & blahblah, i forgot. LOl then studied again at 8 to 11 . :} !! HAHAH, damn proud lahh. U know? gt the sense of accomplishment. :x . I did several math graph qns and studied a lil on geography.
Yah, however, when did the 2 tests today.... -.- very fked up .
Geog, i wasted too much time on qns 1. Wrote "less-developed countries" at first, then was thinking v hard, and elaborating on my points. 5-10 min later, I realize that it's "Developed countries". So i cancelled my answers and started from scratch. Waste my time! Damn. Still haven end yet. Question 1 pt 2, i go wrote finish my answer. Heaved a sigh of relief. Then, when proceeding to 2nd question, I realize that's nt the points i was supposed to write. But i looked at the clock, left like arnd 30 more minutes & i still had 2 essay questions that i needed to do. -.- So i heck, hurry try complete the other 2 parts first. -.-
Of cos, i had not enough time. So i just wrote the points, never elaborate much -.- . AH! i feel very fked up . %$%$#^$#% .
Okay then maths, no comments. Sure fail one. -.- the fking last qn i dono hw to do. just draw the graph -.- Lost around 10 marks there i think. ya, and the front part sure got wrong one. total marks for math = 30. Just need another 5 more marks to fail. So.. Yah, i don expect myself to pass -.- . But at least i did what i could :} .
After these, i really thought of what was the worst thing to experience during an exam/ exam period.
During the test.(1) Knowing what to write, but have not enough time.
-Fk this }:
(2)Misunderstanding the question
(3)Writing wrong points, then realise it after a while
-nbcb }:
(4)Dono anything ( Never study at all)
(5)Uncomfortable (sleepy, stomachache, headache)
(6)Calculator run out of battery
(7)Mind suddenly go blank
-Wth ! i could do the textbook questions for graph. But why my exam one so hard? FUCKKKKKKK }: !
Before the test(1)No Feel to study
-Yesterday i got alot feel to study LOL! but today it seems like the feel is fading off ._. omggggg }: !
(2)No one to teach you how to do the sums/ explain to you
Okay, I'm gonna start my biology after i off the laptop! wish me luck in memorizing and understanding. HOPE I CAN FINISH IT BY TODAY UH!!! HUAT AR! :x
Ohya! i just rmb, LOL! yesterday my daddy gave the somewhat hidden
'speechless' face again.
I was doing my mathematics at night, arnd 8+ 9+, then he open the door. Surely expecting me to be fooling arnd & nt doing my work. But there i was, sitting by the table and attempting :x . HAHAHA, then he just look, then said nothing, and closed the door. HAHAHA!
If i wasn't doing my work, he sure kp one! cos before that he kp me for monday night }: !
Socials studies
------- RESPIRATION ; HUMAN EYE ; NERVOUS SYSTEM , HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
{: . i♥domenic!
-! :p :p :p !-
i just realised that i said quite a number of 'fk' here. -.-
OKAY! Don't mind me uh! :}
I realise Mondays actually end very fast, if there's no chinese at the last period.
Today woke up at 6am, just nice aiai send me a morning msg, but afterwhich, he went back to sleep :/ !
hahaha, Snoozed, till 6.40, climbed out of bed & prepared for school.
Assembly was boring, after that the principle gave us a grandmother story. I don't remember what she said. I think about us being too chatty? :/ Okay, aft that released for recess.
Went for lessons. Got back my mathematics quiz results. 12/15 :] ! If not for the stupid "y" thing i can get higher le ]: ! LOL. The upcoming commontest i sure die one ]: !
Then, had PE lesson. Ran alot. Damn tiring, fk the weather. I think only completed around 13 -14 rounds. After that, th teacher damn kp. Threaten to make us run for the rest of PE lessons - 2.4 km (16 rounds), becos we're doing damn badly. Fk, she sit down there & relax while we need to run under the hot sun. Instead of encouraging us, she threaten us.
Then what? Tell her la, Best thing is, ask her demostrate what is her so-called "Normal" people. (She says that only normal people can run/jog the entire 2.4km without walking. We are not normal cos we kept walking, call us abnormal _l_) Then still scold __ for giving her stupid face. Wtf, make people buay song, giv u face cannot isit? Not that i mind running. Running is good. Anyway i need lots of practise to build up my stamina for the real thing. But what kind of fking attitude are you giving us? Forget it.
English - did comprehension, didn't manage to do finish. blah, heck. I really find English a challenge. Though i can type proper english, but i cant seem to be able to comprehend comprehension. Adding to it, the text is damn boring. Make me more no "feel" to do it lahs ]:
Got back SS quiz, managed to pass on the dot :x ! hahahas okay. Then after POA, did chinese test. Okay, i think i fail. Didn't study it anyway. hahas.
Yeah, && tests are just 2 days away. I think i shall briefly read thru my humanities de textbook soon, and try get some facts in. :}
-OH! & i just rmbered i have to do my english assignment. CRAP _l_ ! %$#^$^%&
So close yet so far
Do you understand?
Once again, I can't stop thinking :/!
Back to square 1 .
Freeze time
I hadn't done my revision
After hours of saying i'm gonna do it.
I really hate the weather in Singapore now. Getting sticky and sweating easily nowadays.
I've been in my aircon room for hours but i dono what fk problem is with me, i m feeling sticky and smelly.
I wanna bathe again later. -.-
There's alot of thoughts going through my mind now. Thank god G sms-ed me. I wanna tell her thingss! ]: & i've to wait till tml.sighs.I can't help but to think & doubt sometimes ; becos of stuff i read.& I know it's not fair.today, seriously fked up. )): !I cant stand it any longer. I think i'm seriously very stressed up.Need a break from life. Someone asked me on msn today ; "What ability do you wish to have?"Same question i got from sissy last time.One of the answers i gave: "Thoughtography."I really wish to have the ability to read minds.Then i know everything a person is thinking. But this can only be wished for, & unachieveable..... ):I'm actually missing someone now.
Who's that person?
Definately Domenickoh (:
Stopped smsing with him for 1-2 hours le ):
My prepaid's running low on cash, & I'm going top it up tml.
Will he sms me soon? :/
Labels: I cant feel it
♥ ;
Valentine's Day ♥Woke up at noon, prepared and met love at busstop.
Went to Amk, ate and walkwalk,
Then proceeded to Vivo :]
Slackslack, everywhere filled with couples -
Okay, then love sent me home.
Was tired, went straight & lied on my bed. Smsed with love till i doze off. Sorry ]: !
Woke up at 2+ am, sms-ed love, removed my contact lens.
Wanted to wash up but my sister said that there was another cockroach outside. wtf, make me never wash away my eyeliner and brush teeth.
My house is filled with cockroaches. I hatee insects to the core! Ugh.
So, I had a Valentine Day night, sleeping with a cockroach in my room too.
Woke up today v early. Went down, ate breakfast & drank coffee :x I'm going to pei yang the habit to drink coffee! Because recent researches said that coffee can reduce the risk of getting dementia :D .
But... Maybe it's not really very reliable, cos... someone uh, always drink coffee------ But hor, still very forgetful... HOR? :x lols! :D
Okay, I'm gonna study soon.
{Editted}2 hours has passed.
Geog tb & Ss guide book on the table
Pencil case + file + Foolscap paper too.
But the books aint open.
I am restless.
I cant find the mood to study.
Neither have i the mood to do anything.
Rotting ; wasting my time in idleness.
Msning + smsing.
Fk today!
God - please give me some motivation by the end of max. 1 hour.
If not i'm really gone case ]: !
& I just remembered there's chinese test tmr. Need to study the fking cheena words too.
Ugh life really sucks now. ------------------------ !
I WANT TO SHOUT! 3%%%$#^$#%#$&^%$^#$&#$%@ !
There are two kinds of failures: those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought. Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed.
By Laurence J. Peter & Lloyd JonesDomenickoh is loved ♥
The course of true love never did run smooth ;
School was a killer.At the start of lesson, i was already feeling very shag.
By Socials studies lesson, i really cannot take it anymore. My head & eyelids just felt heavy, and eyes felt strained as i put my head down on t table, & copied from the screen. The feeling is just terrible. I hate it ]: .
After dismissal, went home only to find noone's at home. Called my maid, found out that she was downstairs walking pipi. Went down and ate at kopitiam.
Home sweet home.
Love wasn't done with his present hunt, so i went to sleep for 1 hr. Awoken by his call. Prepared & went to find him. Studied Geography.
Then he sent me home :]
Thankyou for your vday present!
Hehehes, you got what I needed to buy.
I no need to go buy le ; Arigato!
Greatly appreciated~
&& I hope that you really like your present too ^^v .
hehehe :pYay! It's Valentine's Day nowww !
May you & your date enjoy this day~
Things base and vile, holding no quantity,
Love can transpose to form and dignity,
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
Nor hath Love's mind of any judgement taste;
Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste;
And therefore is Love said to be a child.
Labels: Vday
Laughter is the shortest distance between 2 people
Had decided to go vday shopping with Jan, but she couldn't make it. Went with Jinting instead. ^^ . Bugis-ed, bought gift for... someone, LOL! I couldn't make up my mind, consulted a few friends between item A & B, all felt that A is better. So i bought A. But i'm not very satisfied with it. ]: . Okay, then went to Penisular Plaza to buy my bagpack. Anyhow choose one, bought cheapcheap only - $18 ! :D .
WednesdaySchooled, was damn tired during Prefect's Installation. But i couldn't find a comfortable sleeping position, so had to keep myself awake. My eyelids was fking heavy lor ]': ! Okay, dismissed and headed to White tangs with G & P. We ate 2 sets of mealsss! ]: $12 fly away. Then did our lit assignment, blah. Shared Chocolate fondue with them :D .
After that, accompanied P to sk, bought her tings, then went home.
Bathed, & met
Studied a lil, slacked and then went for a walk -
Damndamndamndamn tired, & I was shocked when i see my hp. Time : 11.
Time passed super fast.
Love sent me home, smsed with him & slept at the same time ^^ .
TodaySchooled, had english formal letter writing. Crapped my way through. ]: !
Came home, no mood to attend housemeeting & mathematics remedial.
I think those are really a fkload waste of time. I rather use my time to study at home. ._.
The serious problem with this school/teachers is that they don't provide us enough time to revise. 2-3 times a wk, we have to end super late (Around 4-5 + pm) reasons being :
1. CCA
2. Extra Chinese Lessons
3. Mathematics remedials.
Even on normal days, the avg time to end is like 2pm . When students reach home, they are all tired out bcos of the day's activities, & nid to time to rest. After resting, we could've done revision. However, The teachers just WONT stop giving so much fking homework & Assignments. Then, students DON'T HAVE TIME to revise
BECAUSE they have to complete homework & rush through assignments just to hand in by the deadline.
In the last 3-4 weeks, i recieved Geog assignment, English assignment & literature assignments. Next wk's common tests. How can students cope at this rate? ah fk. time is running out on me. i haven't revised much.
Okay, i'm gonna study geography le.
Time passes really fast with you :D
I'm really glad to have you
ILY (:
Not much time
Woke up today in a semi frozen state. My room was fking cold bcos of the aircon. I had to climb down from my bed, afterwhich, I rushed out of the room. Showered in hot hot water, damn shiok :] !
okay, schooled... I controlled my money today okay!
Ate 3 pieces of bread i brought to school, + $1.30 laksa and $1 milo for recess ;D
Then spent $2 on lunch.
So, today i spent $4.30 altgt. Still not good enough, but i'm proud of myself for controlling my desires for eating more xD
Okay, I bought my green tea shampoo!
Now my hair got nice smell lee, happyhappy HAHAHA!
Okay, i damn bored, so i went blog surfing and do quiz. I tink it's very true ;]
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Being Alone While you may act like you don't care on the outside, on the inside your biggest fear is being alone. You can be quite shy and reserved. You feel like a lot of times people don't really see the real you. You're afraid that no one will really truly love you, and that you will be alone for the rest of your life. On the inside you are great person, so just remember that and don't let your shy nature get the best of you! If you don't want to be a lone then you need to make an effort to be with someone. Show the people that you care about that you really love them, and chances are someone will always be there, even if you think they won't. |
Losing Someone | |
Looked down on | |
Death | |
Disappointment | |
Where Your life is Going | |
Commitment | |
What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
HAHAHA, the next 2 is just crap okay.
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? Your Result: Silver and Red Wolf *howl* You're a very strong person. You tend to be naive most of the time, but when in love boy do you know how to get around! You prefer to be quite around adults. Your soul mate is the gold falcon. You're in conflict with the maroon panda. |
Tan Giraffe | |
Teal Cat | |
Gold Falcon | |
Blue Fox | |
Yellow Trout | |
Ocre and Gray Dolphin | |
Red Jaguar | |
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
This one make me LOL, okay. i'm just doing this for fun okay! HAHAH.
How Beautiful are you? (Girls) Your Result: Very Beautiful You are naturally pretty, but don't use that tooo much to your advantage. Boys like you but you will never get a really good one (who doesn't only care bout looks) if you don't care too much about looks yourself. |
Beautiful | |
Your own beautiful | |
How Beautiful are you? (Girls) Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
It's 620 am now.
I'm almost done with my Geography Assignment.
Gotta go down eat breakfast set, take picture, then make my document neatly, label everything then print.
I just copied alot infomation from the textbook. I hope still can score alot of marks :x LOL.
I'm left with Chemistry and Chinese homework. Monday still need to write chinese composition. sian ]: !
& I gotta start studying for common tests really soon, becos it's next next week! omg ]: so fast.
Few more hours.......... :]
Okay, i've decided to instruct my maid tapao up the breakfast set. I'm really too lazy to go down now.
Ohyea, while searching for butter, I chanced upon something interesting & scary about Margarine just now. Wtf!
Read it!
Did you know that the hydrogenated fat they use in fast food restaurants in the deep-fat fryers was originally designed as candle wax? When it didn't work as planned, they looked for a new use for it, and found it worked great for frying food and never going bad.
Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback, so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back.It was a white substance with no food appeal, so they added the yellow coloring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. More recently, they have come out with some clever new flavorings.
the difference between margarine and butter?
Both have the same amount of calories. Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats, at 8 grams compared to 5 grams. Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a Harvard Medical School study.
Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods. Butter has many nutritional benefits, where margarine has a only few, because they are added. Butter tastes much better than margarine, and it can enhance the flavors of other foods. Butter has been around for centuries, where margarine has been around for less than 100 years.
And now, for margarine, which...
- Is very high in trans-fatty acids.
- Triples the risk of coronary heart disease.
- Increases total cholesterol and LDL (the bad cholesterol), and lowers HDL
cholesterol (the good cholesterol). - Increases the risk of cancers up to fivefold.
- Lowers the quality of breast milk.
- Decreases the immune response.
- Decreases the insulin response.
And here's the most disturbing
Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC. This fact alone is enough to make you want to avoid margarine for life, as well as anything else that is hydrogenated. (This means that hydrogen is added, changing the molecular structure of the substance.)
You can try this yourself:
Purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in your garage or a shaded area. Within a couple of days, you will note a couple of things:
No flies, not even those pesky fruit flies, will go near it. (That should tell you something.) It will not rot or smell differently, because it has NO nutritional value. Nothing will grow on it. Even tiny microorganisms will not a find a home to grow on. Why? Because margarine is nearly plastic.
Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast?
http://www.naturodoc.com/library/nutrition/margbutt.htmThis is really wtf. ._." i'm gonna tell my mom not to buy magarine anymore. Buy butter. EVERYBODY, BUY BUTTER OKAY? Don't risk your health x_x!
My mum & maid had just went out. They're going Malaysia. ._." Now i have no choice but to go down alone to eat my breakfast. omg, what a loner. ]: !
Labels: Shag
Accomplishment with a mood dampener
Hahaha! okay it's 9pm now, & i'm finally done with my blogskin.
My homework is left undone.
& i better hurry do it ]:
Okay, good
I miss protard~
Gonna upload ALOT peektures taken on CNY day, cos i just uploaded them into my comp :D
Lots of Camwhoring done in the car ! ^^

&, End off with... PIPI!
School, school, school. I hate school.
I'm gonna change my blogskin.
Have already picked one, though I don't really like it alot, but nevermind.
1 Week ended fast. It's going t be common tests soon ]: !
Today I tried doing my homework.
Started with Geography Assignment - the LORMS question one. I think it's very hard. So I anyhow do, just copy & paste from the textbook. LOL! I haven't completed it, & it still has one more part to it - The food one. ]: omg, worst thing is, the deadline is on Monday. Gotta rush.
Got bored of Geography, so i took out my Chinese zuo ye to do. But it's like wtf. I don't understand the passage, don't understand the meanings of the options. Yeah, goner for O lvl chinese okay. & It's at June.
Stopped attempting Chinese, took out Chemistry homework to do. Anyhow do until left around 2.5 more pages. See the next page, totally sian-ed, cos it's so fkingly wordy!
So here i'm, using the computer, wasting my time away. Ugh manzx , i hate homework & assignments. I want to hurry graduate!
Okay I'd better hurry complete my homework, cos... if not tml i cannot enjoy my day.
Labels: protardlove ♥
I spent alot on food again, today. _l_! Okay, let me list it out.
2 milos - $2
2 plates of noodles - $1.80
1 chicken pie- $2
Bottle of mineral water - $0.50
2 wankin (pork) bun - $1
Grand total ----- $7.30.
Okay, so far my record is $7.60 though. LOL
I can't comprehend why th rest can just survive with 1 plate of fan choy & milo, or with 1 more ting. I think my stomach is damn big luhs. I hope i won't grow fat despite eating much more than the rest. It's normal right? I am going through puberty. LOL.
Had Mathematics test today. I think I should be able to pass bah. Today's really hardcore. Totally exhausted by the day's activities luhs. Left English class at 1.20pm, & ohya, i failed my English comprehension. I think i may flunk my O lvl English too lorh. Damn scared now. okay, then went cafe eat, we were late for cip. hahahaha!
board the bus, reached BOLLYWOOD Vegetable Farm ;D
Okay, it wasn't as boring as i expected it to be. Teamed with Giennieve, Penelope & Mildred. We won 3rd prize for treasure hunt!! :D LOL . Okay, we got lady's finger, Dono what vege, Lemon and sugar cane. split among ourselves... Yup, & homed!
I'm going to be cooped up at home today.
Tml still got SS test. Hope i pass it well ]: !
&&, lastly, I love protard
tardtardtard ! Yay! :D
He suprised me by waking up early today, replied my msg :D. heh ♥ ! make me happy. But after a few hrs he went to slp... LOL sleepypig!
Tml i wan to see himm! :D
I haven't been updating bcos my damn internet is down. ]: !
Now, only my sis laptop can be connected to th internet. && I'm taking this opportunity to update my dusty blog.
Went to school, seriously have no comments. School boring as usual.
After school, went home & bathed, prepared & went out to meet protard♥ t watch "The Wedding Game" . Th show is nice. I think it's better than "Love Matters", but both are nice luhs :D !
Recommend you all t go watch it. After that, we went to Mantou's hse tgt. Many were already there - Or all? Heh :p . Put our names down at th security thingy, and went up. Then ate dinner, slacked arnd and gambled a little. But i lost ]: !
Lols, left at around 11.40. Htp did someting funny and stupid, make me laugh manzx. LOL think of it now oso can laugh laa! HAHAHAHA! Then Protard♥ sent me to busstop, hopped onto cab && homesweethome! ^^ .
&, Thanks to Mantou & his mom for the accomodation and food provided! :D
Pictures! :D

Woke up at 530am, prepared & went to G hse at 6. First time being so early okay! ^_^x . Left her hse arnd 615, took bus to kovan Macs , met up with P, den bought breakfast. Nicole & Mildred came later. Ate finish, headed back to school for FLAG DAY.
Okay, Flag day seriously sucked. Everything is so screwed.
Firstly, flag day is on saturday, disturb my beauty sleep. Secondly, our locations just sucked, & thirdly, i may not be able to get my CIP points. It's just a waste of my time manzx.
We went t Suntec Convention there, guards chase us away. So what could we do? Only able to stand at the busstop to wait for ppl to come. There were also other students assigned to this place. So there was really not enough public ppl to donate to us okay. End result - i tink i got less than $10 . LOL, & the minimum money to be collected is $20. But whatever, it's just unfair. Hope Mrs Phua talk t the organisers sucessfully abt the counting of CIP hours.
Went back to sch, returned th money. Then slacked with Jan under my block until 4 - 5 pm? I can't rmb. Talked alot with her! :D ~ Then went home and .... OKAY, i forgot what i did.
Oh, Spts came n slack. That's all i rmb . LOL
Schooled! Went home, bathe & ate, then went to G house to do homework. Completed English homework okay! Then went home, packed mathematics. Went down t meet protard♥, haigui & clement. Went down specially to G hse to call her come, then i studied maths. She, haigui & clement went off shortly, leaving me n protard alone ^^x !
Then slacked, did mathematics and ate. :D ~
Happy was bitten by a SMELLY schnauzer dog okay. Like wtf. The dog just came, smelled him and started showing agressive signs all of a sudden, biting poor happy. That dog wasn't on leash. And poor happy was so scared. I was so shocked, don't know what to do and looked helplessly. Heng the owner pulled the dog away, then he said that that dog will jealous blah.... KNOW WILL JEALOUS THEN PUT LEASH LAH. ._. that dog left alot of saliva on happy. & it's fking smelly. Don't know hw to describe the smell sia. Like that dog never bathe for many weeks le. After that happy hid behind me and zhi dong climb on protard's leg. Want him sayang. LOL. poor pipi. ]: !
Lucky there's no blood. x_x!
Protard sent me home, & i went home to bathe. Cos i feel like th dog's smell was on me. fking smelly . OMG. i kip repeating that it's smelly. Cos i really can't take it.
schooled! Mathematics is postponed to tml. :]!
Okay, this means i must use this time to practise more! I want to ace my mathematics hor, don't playplay. LOL!
Okay, protard coming to find me later~ . So i better study now. :D
Ohyea, yesterday i saw one rubbish chute cleaner... He was like eating sugar cane at the garbage area there. Wtf! Is his hands clean anot? & eating at tat environment... He don't feel disgusted, i also feel disgusted liao.
Okay, i want to go practise mathematics liao~ Byebye! :D !
I♥PROTARD! :D Everyday, the invisible barrier between us is slowly fading away. I am happy :] !