♥ Linlin-memories
Brought the 2 dogs down for a walk ytd night, with my dearest sisters. :) . I think there was never once that all 4 of us were together. Dogs brought us tgt. Lol!

{BB ; Happy}
This is one emo dog. :/
Tuna with Happy(Emo) Dog.

He's so cute. (Btw, I was tryna get him look at the cam and this pict
was snapped.) :/ I look deprieved of sleep. Lol!
Yaya, I anyhow wear go out okay. Char says I look very bright. Like
traffic light -_-. Wtv!
So cute hor, :D :D

Din wanna post some pictures, cos unglam. Butthen, now I dun really gif a damn liao. Lol. Very tired also. Ytd, I had a tiring night. Arnd evening, bathed Happy with E&C, then damn tiring, his hair takes a damn long time to dry. And with his current fur condition, it's fking hard to comb lorh. -_- Then, dad came home. Had to stay in the rm to take care of Happy. Aint girls pro? Mum was cooking, children were bathing Happy. =x And, my dad doesn't even know Happy's back. Laughs.
Was shag, but hanged on. 10+, dad was sleeping alr. So we brought the dogs for a walk. It's really hard to get Happy to socialize. Had to keep the 2 dogs at a distance or else Happy would bark. And it's damn noisy. Was really afraid that neighbours would complain ): . Yup, we walked them arnd, bought drinks and went another block to slack. Then, camwhored, & went home at 11+. Slept at 12+.
Then schooled today. Stupid. Go in sch compound only, then the xx xxx catch me. Ask me what's on my hand.(Hair ties). If you knw me, I always put a few black hair ties on my right hand one what. Just in case ppl need/mine break & I'm afraid that I'll lose it. Tmd. Then I sae "Rubber band".
He: Why so many?
Me: (Opens mouth, wanna explain) Because---
He: You only need 1 right? You wan me throw them away?
Then I very fuckedup lorh _l_ Tmd. Dun wanna argue with him, then just took them out and put in my pocket. Tmd, then he catch my fingernails. I very pekchek.
He: Next time no more this fashion le uh.
Then he ask my class and let me go. Wtf. So unreasonable pls. Rubberband also must mind. _l_
Anyway, during lessons, I damn tired. Wanna sleep but I didn't. Chinese was rather fun. :p Kept answering rubbish to teacher. LOL. Then had the CME test (?) , build things... Blah, went home & G came my hse watch finish transformers. Yup. And I wanna sleep now. X_X!!
Happy Ang.

Isn't he one cute lil dog? But even cute lil dogs have to get spankings from mama yulin when he pees on me! ): Tmd, I was kneeling on the floor & using laptop. Sudd, I felt a tickling sensation at my feet. Didn't think much of it until I turned behind and saw my pinafore + floor wet. Ya. Wet with what? His pee lah. Tmd. But bcos my dad's at home, he was spared from my scoldings. -_- . Lol. & He's really hard to bathe. Growlgrowlgrowl. Needa coax him and praise him, and talk crap with him then can distract him -_- . You all shud have heard Char doing it. LOL
Shit. I haven't been doing homework that I instructed myself to do. Tmd!
Heng I never tio quarrentined =xThe to-do-list is quite cham. Tsk. HAHAHA. Okay. Anyway, today, is 1st day of sch :D
Ytd, I couldn't sleep until like 3+4+ am then can lor! U know why? Bcos I'm excited for school! LOL. Like real. -_- I've gotten too used to slping late during the holidays and yaya -_-
OHYA. Btw, Happy's back in action! :D Home sweet home. Now I feel quite sad for BB. All the attention is being turned away from her and unto Pipi. x_x &, she can only stare from the top of the stairs bcos pipi is too anti-social & territorial :/ . Poor BB. Lol!
Okay. Anyway, school's quite slack today. Hate PE alot, ttm! I can't wait to graduate now. Realize that O's are only 4 mths away. & my O level Chi Oral is next wk. Damn scared luh. Lol. Okay bah. Anyway, I think I go play with dogs now. LOL :))
I have finalize my decision. =) . Thanks for helping me stick to my decision.P.S. Thanks to those who wished me happy bday regardless by smsing, tagging, fb/fs-ing. ^_^x Ily! Hahahaha, &, I'm finally 16. Can go open pool table liao. Can go watch Nc16 liao. Can make posb card w/o parents liao (?) . HAHAHAHA. ;D
I was chiong-ing slot games in pokemon ytd and today. Hardcore. 1am to 3+am, and today 1-2hours, before I could get the pokemon I wanted. Clairfairy, Dratini & the wad Poryon. -_- Need altgt like... 12-13k coins. Zai hor. LOL! But now, I face a problem. Tmd, pokemon only can carry 6 pokeballs -_- ! I wan to carry alot ley. Sian. ): ):
Anyway, I really fking hate English homework. So fking hard, I need to find an ang moh to help me do then can! ):
Yknow, people've been telling me they saw many look-alikes of me... Yaya, common face I've. But so what if we look alike? Natural-borned twins have almost the same features, but they don't possess the same characteristics&temperament. (: . Likewise, everyone is different no matter how alike they look. So, ya. Just being random.
From yesterday till now, 5:55pm, I have completed
2 Literature Essays. 6 more lit essays, 5 eng hwk, 1 poa homework more to go. Yayayayaya. I can do it. -_- I hope so? Hopefully I can complete by tml. Or else I've to spend my bday with homework. So fucking pathetic. Lolololol.
Anyway, today I've been eating loads of fattening food. I'm gonna grow fat. }: }: . Ate 1x durians for lunch. Went up, sat infront of comp & watch pokemon, do literature, went down & eat somemore durians, 2 bananas, 2 nutella-spread(ed) breads, then came up and completed 2nd question.
T_T !! Anyway, I updated my blogsongs. :D . And... Off to doing homework again }: . Byebye.
Oh ya, today morning, I saw the hotmail news that Michael Jackson had passed on. :/ RIP. Sians, the world's really coming to an end. I haven lived enough ley. I dun wanna die yet! Lol :/ . I scared of war ley, heard from Char that there might have a war....... }: Hear le also scared liao. afiokanskdnakfasd.
Which should I follow? Curly-whurly mass of cells or solid-pumping mass of muscles? :/ . Laughs.
I wanna contract H1N1 & die now.Nah, not really. But I'm really gonna be driven crazy by school. Piles of fking homework. How am I supposed to complete it? Now, even if I can complete at least the 8 Lit Essays, 4-5Eng Homework & 1POA homework, I'm alr happy enough. God uh, help me luh. Please, just change MOE's mind & make them publish "extension of Holidays for 1-2wks" on newspaper ley. }: Not on Fri or Sat also can. Just by the last day, Sunday }: !!
Anyway, from 12+ till now (5pm), I've been watching pokemon online -_- ! Seriously, I love pokemon to bits. How I wish there's pokemon in real life. Life'd surely be much more entertaining lorh. I still rmb when I was younger, I use to fantasize about them everyday, acted really like a retarded crazy. Hais.
Anyway, Anyhow, Whatever, I shall try to start writing crap now. (Homework.) Goodbye. :/
Almost blinded.
Yo people. Today I went to catch The Ghosts Of Girlfriend's Past w some spartanians. Hmm, the show's not bad ((: . But I think LOTL is funnier & more retarded. Hahaha =D . Met wk first, hahaha he got new dance step. Damn nice :x . Some ppl were late (Inc me,) so we couldn't catch the 2:20 movie. Hahaha. Caught the 4:20 one instead. Aft that, Slacked liao no one's business. See them arcade till 10+ b4 going home -_- . Bcos I'm not a fan of arcade, I was just rotting my youth away there. :/ ! Yada yada.
P.S. Amk Is damn cold. Wtf.Tag replies.24 Jun 09, 20:49Nicole: Omg ya! the sunkist contest sucked. I sent in so many also nv winn so angry !!!Lol! You sent in only 2 or 4 entries right? I send in 10 ley!! 10 LEY! }: So sad. How I wish a miracle can happen now. LOL!
24 Jun 09, 16:20Fion: And LOL @ RY.You very guailan leh! (correct right,i use guailan in this sentece?HAHAHA)
24 Jun 09, 16:17Fion: What other country!! LOL i hate english homework and i dont know how to start the damn essay!!!
LOL, I hate ALL homework. :x Just anyhow lorh. I also gonna crap my work out. Hahaha & you're damn funny. Correct lah. Guailan lah :x Si angmo.
24 Jun 09, 11:53RuYuan: You want kimchi, go korea la, korea is kimchi island whatt.
LOL -_- U spon me tickets luh :D . I giv u ticket to bangkok. Then U gimme to korea one okay :D LOL. I come back, buy for u kimchi also!!
23 Jun 09, 22:29Serena: i oso wan to have leaves! =(I also wan. But I dun have... -_- Stupid. I dun like the singapore system sial.
23 Jun 09, 20:37=): You wan to walk ur dog with my tortoise? LOLLOL! My dog eat ur beloved sons up then got lah! =x
23 Jun 09, 20:08Pene: HHAHAH okayokay sure you text me la! ^_^ Srsly, tday's damn wtf, felt damn screwed up and @*!!@$*! inside. Staying home makes me feel like a caged bird. ARGH. I need a breather! :\Lol! Go out and do homework lorh!!! Friday see you can liao :D Till then. Muacks! Rofl!
Goodnight ;D
Spartan's Outing Peektures (:
I'm sad luh. Never win
sunkist, never win contest. Never win everything one. )): !
I just want my kimchi now. No kimchi also can. I wan food & money luh.
Ah, but life's like this. Shan't brood over my loss/whatsoever. Anyway.... I got a damn cute picture of BB to share w u all :) . (Kop-ed from E's blog de.)

Hahaha all these just make my day. So cute & gong. =DD
P.S. Hope that school holidays will be extended luh,
Hope I can win the last draw for sunkist +.+
Anyway, I go do housework le. Byebye. May update again.
The Education Ministry has said it will issue a seven-day leave of absence to all school staff and students returning from affected countries on, or after June 22.
Eh eh eh. V dumb ley. Sg's also affected what. Why must come back then get the leave? -_- Wlao eh. I want go to affected country for awhile ley. 1 hr also can. }: }:!!
Know why I like this picture?

Because I look quite skinny in it! :D:D
Anyway, I forgot to mention it in my post ytd.
Happy's returning to us next week. Cooool~ . LOL.
Okay. Update again.
P.S. Updated blogsongs. :) Got one quite noisy de. :x May need to lower ur volume ha. Hahaha
Spartan's Outing (:
Woke up at 9+ ytd, got rdy & met G,Wk&Mantou first. Headed to vivo, bought breadtalk & went subway. Htp,Haigui,lychee,twinkle arrived. Then me&G went 7/11 buy things & went back t basement to wait for the rest. Very long :/ .
Altogether there were:
Me, G, Wk, Mantou, Nightz, Dzq, Htp, Haigui, SS, Rhap, Lychee, Twinkle, Ice, Truffle, Ahwei, Lpxx, Opti, Phat0m, Yuan. That's all right? Hope I din miss out anyone. Headed t sentosa & played volleyball awhile. The sand damn hot :/ ! V soon, water supply no more & we(G, Rhap, SS, me) had t walk all the way to P. 7/11 buy. We walked for I think, mayb 1hr alr? Lol! So far, So tired. Lol. Aft that, played captain's ball. Quite fun. But Only with 1 bread in my stomach, I felt quite weak aft 1 game le. Lol. Hanged on for 2 or 3 more games & we went t wash up, blah.
The rest went back t vivo first. G&me waited f Rhap&SS to bathe finish & by the time, it was 7+8pm alr. Headed back t vivo & met up with the rest. Slacked awhile & returned home. Thankyou gentlemanly pok for sending me home. Laughs.
P.S. Eh! I ytd survived on 1 bread+some pringles & drinks only. I damn proud of myself lah. :x Somemore got play. Think ytd I gt jian fei a bit :x Laughs.Sorry for the random note. But I really feel damn happy. Hahaha. & I'm very dark now lorh. I see myself in the mirror, can see white colour body w a line. On top of the line, is dark-skinned + 2 white vertical lines :x . Healthy colour. Yang guang. Muahahaha. Okay, sot. :x
Anyway, I'm so damn hungry now. Gonna gonna. go down & eat now :) ! I'm so happy. Okay, well. A mixture of feelings to be exact. Hahas. Okay. Pictures will be uploaded when Rhap updates Spt's blog.
Sayonara ~
Updates :)Went out for Father's Day dinner. Serena got me my bday presents alr :D ! 1 Necklace & 3 pair of earrings. Hahaha Thankyou :)) . Will post the picts another day. After that, Tuna(Serena), her boyf, Char & me headed t AMK Hub t catch a movie. Thanks Tuna for treating! :p Hahahah. We caught "Land Of The Lost" (I think it's this title?) . :D . It's retardedly funny but not bad! :D . Worth watching it if you wanna laugh. Hahahaha. Aft that, bought a blouse & homed. :)

P.S. I dunknow why there's a ghost in these pictures. :/ Really scary.

My v.cute mother cleaning car w wet tissues last minute -_-
Wlao!! While I was blogging, Char hummed a tune. Scare meeeeee! I tot both of them sleeping le. Then I hearing things. -_-" .....................